Chapter 11 - reckless

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TW: fighting, foul language, drugged, blood.

           The purring was all I could hear, as well as my breath. I rested my hand on Donnie's chest as he laid atop of me, I still held the leash. As fear had stayed with me. I shivered at the memories but I shook it off. Don was half asleep, but I could tell he was listening to my heartbeat. If it increased he would stiffen, if it lessened he would loosen up. 

        But I soon closed my eyes, I guess I felt more comfortable with him now. I mean we literally just fucked, there should be some trust, right? eh I didn't want my thoughts to take over now. Plus I was tired after that fuck. My eyelids dropped and I yawned, I soon fell asleep?

              well not really

I could hear, and smell everything, just my eyes were closed. It was almost as if I was- no..Do not tell me- FUCK


         I felt my body get wrapped around, three cold fingers touched my hair. I wanted to yell, scream and hit but I couldn't. My eyes slowly open-key word slowly- I see Donnie smiling, his sharp yellowish teeth glimmering in the moonlight that had crept from my window. If my brows could move, they would be right above my eyelids. Donnie's eyes were locked with mine as he brushes my h/c hair.

                 "I didn't want to be treated as a pet dear, thats your job" he smiles as I notice that his leash was off. Shit- ugh, I should have never asked Big Mama for the change of plans. What would Leo think of me? What would he think of his twin?... I suddenly felt sick, this was my fault, everything was.

             Donnie saw that my heart had started to change he quickly rubbed his face into my neck as he held me above my bed

                 "shh, shh... everything will be okay when were finally together forever" he whispers in my ear, I wanted to shiver but I was too numb. Plus what did he even drug me with anyway? 


         I heard a loud roar, as Donnie's head whipped around, as he threw me on the ground. I grunted, but I was still too numb to move. But from the corner of my eyes, I saw them. Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo.. I wish I could smile, they saved me once again. But I don't think they would be too happy seeing me, after I literally took their brother captive. 

          "DON!" I think Leo shouted, Donnie - from what I could tell - got on all fours, almost guarding me in a way. Snarls escaped his lips as the once sofisticated man was now long gone as a feral version had taken over. 

                Mikey's POV: 

           Shit- How could this have happened? One second Big Mama's goons come and take your 'hospitalized' brother - who wasn't really hospitalized but more isolated in case he was going to hurt someone - and the next you find your brother about to eat us. 

          I rubbed my thumbs together as my grip on my Kusari-fundo tightened. I bit my lip. I missed the old days, before we knew Y/N. When Donnie was his normal self, annoyed of course but he had heart and passion for his work. Now.. He was gone.. My brother, once his stuck his nose up, and now he has gone into something that I never thought he would be.. an animal. 

        I mean, of course he was an animal, but he was a mutant. Not- not whatever this is.

         I stood behind Leo, as He looked at Donnie with sad eyes. I mean, we all were brothers, but Leo and Don were twins. They have a different conection than us. 

            I looked over at Y/N, she/they was on the ground, unphased I think, or just drugged. But her/theirs eyes were open. I frown, they must hate this. The Man she/they loved was gone, well she/they barely knew Donnie but I- 


Donnie jumped up at me, knawing at my arm, as blood dripped. Y/N head slowly looked over, Raph threw Donnie off of me, in which he threw him across the room. 

          "Leo!" I cried for help as my older brother, yet careless brother, started to put some preasure on my wound. It hurt but I had handled worse. Donnie was gone now, he wasn't a brother anymore, but a faint memory. I got into a better position but it was useless. 

         I wish we could have stopped this before it happened

 I miss you Donnie


                                go back to the genius I know....

          short one! I know, im sorry for this being too short but anyway the word count wasssss 800 I hope you enjoyed!! :D 

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