"Alecto, Megaera, Tisiphone, pursue Jackson," the Lord of the Dead instructed the Furies. "I shall deal with our remaining problem. Personally." A pool of shadows coalesced before the right armrest of Hades's throne, and from it arose a massive bident as black as the night. Gold accents demarcated the difference between the pole and the striking surface. Hades rose from his throne and grabbed the bident in his right hand before giving it a swing.
"You are correct on one account, boy," Hades said. "I cannot kill you without risking the wrath of the Abrahamic pantheon. They have no such laws about direct interference as we do. However, that does not mean I cannot beat you into submission." The Lord of the Dead shrugged his shoulders aggressively, tossing his massive toga from his shoulders.
"Let us begin." Hades shot forward, becoming smaller as he moved until he was about the size of an NBA center. Still tall, but not ten feet tall. (Y/N) raised his rapier in defense, but decided to sidestep as well, just in case. It was fortunate, too, as it led to the Lord of the Dead's bident being blocked on the outside rather than the inside. Hades hadn't expected this, clearly, as he had twisted the bident in an attempt to force out whatever was caught in the thing's jaws, be it (Y/N)'s rapier or neck.
(Y/N) turned and ran, firing a couple of shots from his gun at Hades. Most of them missed, with the only one to actually be on target getting deflected with a PANG off the Silent One's bident.
'Shit, which way did we come in through again?' (Y/N) thought to himself, trying to recall where to go.
"Go on, run, tire yourself," the voice of Hades called from behind him. "It shall all be the same, in the end."
(Y/N) squeezed his eyes shut in the most intense blink he had ever performed, trying to force the god's voice from his mind. 'Just one foot in front of the other,' (Y/N) thought to himself, reminding himself to turn occasionally. 'Right, Left, Right, Right...' There was the occasional time that (Y/N) would pass a couple of skeleton guards holding various weapons, but it seemed their aim was as bad as their complexion, as they frequently missed wide. (Y/N) would usually respond with a couple of shots of his own, placing a consistent two in the chest and one in the head.
Eventually, though, (Y/N)'s luck ran dry. He ran his way into a dead end, the blocking wall looking decrepit and ready to crumble at any moment. He turned to run away and take a different path, but he was never given the option.
Hades had caught up with him.
"Quite the distance run you have, boy," the Lord of the Dead said. "But, I do believe it's about time we end this little charade."
Hades leveled his bident at (Y/N), an orb of red and swirling orange coming into being between the blades like some kind of miniature sun. No, more like a floating ball of lava. The god and the son of Greed stared each other down, the mortal trying to predict when Hades would make a move, and Hades attempting to fake (Y/N) out to dodge early. Suddenly, the ball glowed brighter, and (Y/N)'s eyes widened. A similarly colored beam shot from the mouth of the weapon, (Y/N) jumping to the side, the victor of their little mind game. The beam made contact with the wall behind him, sending dust everywhere as it crumbled. (Y/N) coughed, trying to clear his lungs, trying to rise to his feet. He was stopped when Hades placed a foot on his back, forcing him to the ground once more.
"Nowhere left to run, boy," Hades said. "Perhaps you shall join my domain after all." Hades raised his bident over his head, ready to sever (Y/N)'s head from his neck. (Y/N) closed his eyes, waiting for the worst to happen. Hades drove his bident downward, but his arm was suddenly caught and prevented from its path. (Y/N) opened a single eye to look up and see what was going on, and what he saw confused him.
One of the Furies was holding Hades back, her whip wrapped around Hades's bicep.
"M-murder..." she said, her voice sounding like the whispering of a thousand voices that still filled his mind.
"Lord Hades," another interrupted him, holding a helmet in her hand. "Tisiphone seems to think it within her authority to prevent you from 'murdering' this one."
"And why is that?" Hades responded, seemingly more annoyed at the interruption than at the whip around his arm.
"We have recovered your helm," the Fury explained. "The godlings were not lying. The helm was in the possession of the god of War."
"Someone pick up that phone because I fucking called it!" (Y/N) said, earning an eye roll from the Lord of the Dead. However, he did nod his head towards his subordinates.
"Very well," he said, removing his foot from (Y/N)'s back. "(Y/N) (L/N), I shall allow you to leave my domain this once. Do not expect me to extend this courtesy again."
"Vieni da me," a voice called from the wall that had been destroyed. Looking back at where the wall once stood, (Y/N) saw a massive tunnel, one that the Lord of the Dead clearly didn't recognize.
"Meaera, when did we have this installed?" he asked.
"We... didn't, my lord," the Fury responded. "I have no idea where that might lead."
"Vieni da me," the voice called once again, sounding like it was in pain. "Maledetto lo sciocco Stolas! Gli mostrerò così tanto che Satana mi farà Ira!"
"Wait, Stolas?" (Y/N) whispered. "Like the guy who was running the Lotus?" He rose to his feet and began walking towards the tunnel. He heard Hades saying something behind him, but (Y/N) wasn't paying attention. Whatever the yelling from the tunnel came from had (Y/N)'s full attention. (Y/N) stepped across the precipice that was Hades's wall, and he was suddenly hit by a blast of heat. Not strong enough to knock him back, mind, just enough that he felt like he was walking from a freezer to an oven. As he continued, the sound of rattling chains became audible, echoing off the walls. As he descended further, the light became less and less, making it more difficult to see.
"Chi è la? Lo giuro, se sei tu, Stolas, lo farò..." the voice called, right as (Y/N) rounded the corner. It was the same figure from his dreams, the golden man chained in obsidian shackles. His head snapped towards (Y/N), his golden eyes shining like diamonds in the pitch-black sclera of his eyes. The two locked eyes, before the man said something that revealed exactly who he was.
"(M/N)?" he asked, confusing son and mother.
"W-who are you?" (Y/N) asked. "How do you know that name?"
"If you're not her... then..." the man said, a look of realization crossing his face before a grin took it. "Oh, Father. Only figures we should meet like this."
"What do you mean?" (Y/N) demanded. "How do you know my mother?"
"I would think it obvious by now," the man responded, hanging his head before looking straight at (Y/N), who felt like the man was staring directly into his soul.
"Vai avanti, abbraccia il tuo vecchio."

A Son From Lands Unknown (PJO x Male Reader)
FanfictionA new kid showed up in New York all of six months ago. He moved from Nevada, but something about him always felt off if you just ask anyone around him. Then the weird crap started. Sin's a hell of a drug. PJO x Male Reader