Shield Recovery Services, A New Way West

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The sun was beginning to sink below the horizon line by the time the group found the water park. Judging by the sign, it had once been called 'WATERLAND,' but now some letters had been smashed out, leaving 'WAT R A D.' The main gate was padlocked and topped with barbed wire. Inside, huge dry waterslides and tubes and pipes curled everywhere, leading to empty pools. Old tickets and advertisements fluttered around the asphalt. With night coming on, the place looked sad and creepy.

"If Ares brings his girlfriend here for a date," Percy said, staring up at the barbed wire, "I'd hate to see what she looks like."

"Percy, you should be more respectful," Annabeth warned.

"Why, I thought you hated Ares."

"He's still a god, Percy," (Y/N) pointed out. "Remember the threats Mr. D made to us on our first day."

"Plus, his girlfriend is very temperamental," Annabeth pointed out.

"You don't want to insult her looks," Grover added.

"Who is she, Echidna?" Percy asked, trying to make a joke.

"No, Aphrodite," Grover said, his voice taking on a wanting tinge. "Goddess of love."

"I thought she was married to someone," Percy said.

"Yeah, Hephaestus, but what's your point?" (Y/N) asked.

"Wait, how do you know that?" Annabeth asked. "We only went over the gods in Greek class, and you can't read that."

"They sell it in English in the camp store," (Y/N) said. "It was a bit tough to get through, but I figured I should know the characters of the gods who are basically in charge of my life, at least for now."

A brief silence overtook them before Percy took in a sharp breath and asked, "So how do we get in?"

"Maia!" Grover shouted, his sneakers sprouting wings. He flew over the fence, did an unintentional somersault in midair, and then stumbled to a landing on the opposite side. He dusted off his jeans as if he'd planned the whole thing. "You guys coming?"

The other three had to climb up the old-fashioned way, holding down the barbed wire for each other as they crawled over the top.

The shadows grew long as they walked through the park, checking out the attractions. There was 'Ankle Biter Island,' 'Head Over Wedgie,' and 'Dude, Where's My Swimsuit?' What was strange was that there were no monsters. Nothing made the slightest noise. They found a souvenir shop that had been left open. Merchandise still lined the shelves: snow globes, pencils, postcards, and racks of-

"Clothes," Annabeth sighed in relief. "Fresh clothes."

"Yeah," Percy piped up, "But you can't just-"

"Sure you can, what do you think I did back in St. Louis?" (Y/N) asked him. "Finally, I can be rid of this stupid band's apparel."

He and Annabeth each snatched something off the rack. For (Y/N) it was only a single shirt, being happy with the rest of his outfit, but Annabeth grabbed an entire row of stuff before each disappeared into their own changing room. A few minutes later, (Y/N) walked out tie-dye Waterland T-shirt, though the rest remained the same. Such could not be said for Annabeth, who walked out in Waterland flower-print shorts, a big red Waterland T-shirt, and commemorative Waterland surf shoes. A Waterland backpack was slung over her shoulder, obviously stuffed with more goodies. (Y/N) turned to her in slight surprise before smiling.

"Peace and love, sister," (Y/N) said, doing his best 1970s hippie impression. That earned him an eye roll from the daughter of Athena.

"Ah, what the heck," Grover shrugged. Soon, everyone was decked out like walking advertisements for the defunct theme park. When everyone was ready to go, they continued searching for the Tunnel of Love. It felt like the whole park was holding its breath.

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