The Gang Fights a Big Guy

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"I got Nobody!" Polyphemus gloated.

The group crept to the cave entrance and saw the Cyclops, grinning wickedly, holding up empty air. The monster shook his fist, and a baseball cap fluttered to the ground. There was Annabeth, hanging upside down by her legs.

"Hah!" the Cyclops said. "Nasty invisible girl! Already got feisty one for wife. Means you gotta be grilled with mango chutney!"

Annabeth struggled, but she looked dazed. She had a nasty cut on her forehead. Her eyes were glassy. (Y/N) pulled out Tentazione in its semi-automatic form and pulled back the charging handle.

"Give the word and I take the shot," (Y/N) said. "Could plant one right in his eye."

"I'll rush him," Percy whispered. "Our ship is around the back of the island. Clarisse, you and Grover-"

"No way," the two said at the same time. Clarisse had armed herself with a highly collectible ram's-horn spear from the Cyclops's cave. Grover had found a sheep's thigh bone, which he didn't look too happy about, but he was gripping it like a club, ready to attack.

"We all take him together," Clarisse growled.

"Yeah," Grover said. Then he blinked like he couldn't believe that he'd just agreed with Clarisse about something.

"Alright," Percy said. "Attack plan Macedonia. (Y/N), don't take our heads off."

Everyone nodded. The three Greeks had taken the same training courses at Camp Half-Blood, so they knew what Percy was talking about. (Y/N) would have to pay careful attention to where his bullets were going, so there was that consideration before he took any shots. Percy would take the front while Grover and Clarisse sneak around and attack the Cyclops from either side. To Percy, it just meant they would all die instead of just him, but he was still grateful for the help.

Percy hefted his sword and shouted, "Hey, Ugly!"

The Cyclops whirled toward him. "Another one? Who are you?"

"Put down my friend, I'm the one who insulted you."

"You are Nobody?"

"That's right, you smelly bucket of nose drool!" It didn't sound quite as good as Annabeth's insults, but it was all he could think of. "I'm Nobody and I'm proud of it! Now, put her down and get over here. I want to stab your eye out again."

"RAAAR!" Polyphemus bellowed.

The good news: he dropped Annabeth. The bad news: he dropped her head first onto the rocks, where she lay motionless as a rag doll. The other bad news: Polyphemus barreled toward Percy, a thousand pounds of smelly Cyclops that he would have to fight with a very small sword.

Since he dropped the daughter of Athena, (Y/N) decided that then was a great time to take the shot. He put the eye of Polyphemus right in the middle of his irons, let out a deep exhale, and pulled the trigger. A burst of orange flame coursed through the air, leaving a tracer in its wake, barreling straight toward the Cyclops. (Y/N) was certain the eye was his weak spot, and considering how large it was, it shouldn't have been hard to hit. However, he had failed to account for one thing.

Polyphemus blinked.

The round pinged off of Polyphemus's eyelid, though it clearly left the Cyclops stunned, as he stumbled backward slightly, forcing him to step back to maintain his balance.

"Oh come on!" (Y/N) shouted, annoyed at the ineffectiveness of his round. "What the hell is going wrong?"

"For Pan!" Grover rushed in from Percy's right. He threw his sheep bone, which bounced harmlessly off the monster's forehead. Clarisse ran in from the left and set her spear against the ground just in time for the Cyclops to step on it. He wailed in pain, and Clarisse dove out of the way to avoid getting trampled. But the Cyclops just plucked out the spear like a large splinter and kept advancing.

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