Sailing Through The Sirens' Lair

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Percy finally found something he felt like he was good at.

The Queen Anne's Revenge responded to his every command. He knew exactly which ropes to hoist, which sails to raise, which direction to steer. The group plowed through the waves at what Percy figured to be about ten knots. He even understood how fast that was. For a sailing ship, that was pretty darn fast.

It all felt perfect to him. The wind in his face, the waves breaking over the prow.

But now that they were out of danger, all he could think about was how much he missed Tyson, and how worried he was about Grover.

He couldn't get over how badly he messed up on Circe's Island. If it wasn't for Annabeth, he and (Y/N) would still be stuck there, him a rodent, and who knows what she had planned for (Y/N). He thought about what Circe had said. He still felt changed. Not just because he had a sudden desire to eat lettuce, but because he felt jumpy, like the instinct to be a scared little animal was now part of him. Or maybe it had always been there.

That idea was what worried him.

They sailed through the night. Annabeth tried to help (Y/N) with lookout duty, but sailing didn't agree with her. After a few hours of rocking back and forth, her face turned the color of guacamole and she went below to lie in a hammock.

Percy watched the horizon. More than once he spotted monsters. A plume of water as tall as a skyscraper spewed into the moonlight. A row of green spines slithered across the waves, something maybe five hundred feet long and reptilian. What exactly it was was something he really didn't want to know.

(Y/N) was up in the crow's nest, keeping an eye out. He occasionally took shots at what seemed to be monstrous birds as they passed. Didn't want them acting as eyes in the sky for any kind of enemies they might face. The group passed some Nereids, the glowing lady spirits of the sea. Percy tried to wave down at them, but they disappeared into the depths, leaving him unsure if they'd seen him or not.

Sometime after midnight, Annabeth came up on deck. The group was just passing a smoking volcano island. The sea bubbled and steamed around the shore.

"One of the forges of Hephaestus," Annabeth said. "Where he makes his metal monsters."

"Like the bronze bulls?" Percy asked.

Annabeth nodded. "Go around. Far around." Percy didn't need to be told twice. He steered the Queen Anne's Revenge clear of the island, and soon it was nothing more than a red patch in the haze behind them.

(Y/N) decided that if they needed him, they'd ring the bell. Returning Tentazione to its pistol form, laid down in a ball in the crow's nest, and fell asleep.


(Y/N)'s dream that night was odd, to say the least. He saw two figures of gold arguing with each other. One of them was clearly either scared or worried, based on how they were pacing back and forth, while the other one appeared more annoyed.

"Michael, I know your... distaste for us runs deep, but surely even you must know what this means," the scared one, carrying a voice (Y/N) recognized as his father Mammon, said.

"No, I don't, demon," the voice identified as Michael said. "You'll have to forgive me for not trusting the word of your kind, though I know forgiveness is not in your nature."

"Michael, I am feeling the urge to reform," Mammon said. "Do you know what that means? Every single one of the seven besides maybe Sammy is feeling it, and even then he might be simply refusing to admit it."

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