Fallout of the Freakouts

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(Y/N) was able to catch bits and pieces of a conversation after he had passed out courtesy of Clovis. From all the medical talk and the tone of her voice, (Y/N) could tell that one of the people involved was Julia, but the other was too quiet for him to be able to make out a voice. However, if he had to wager, it was probably Simon, as he was the only one there for both of his freakouts. However, he was unable to catch the entire thing due to constantly drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Not the first time this has happened, so..." one of them said before (Y/N) faded out again.

He didn't know how long it was before he heard, "Keeps shouting about Eidolons? Anyone see the encounter?"

"T-Thaliammm..." (Y/N) tried to say, his speech slurring and unable to open his eyes due to the drowsiness still in his system.

Clearly, someone had heard him, but misunderstood, as the Apollo camper said, "No, I don't think thallium would do anything for you. Just calm down and we'll-"

"Ner," (Y/N) slurred. "Thaliammm... Zers."

"Oh, Thalia!" they exclaimed. "Did she see it?" (Y/N) nodded his head. The doctor turned to whoever they were talking to and told them to do something, but (Y/N) didn't hear exactly, as his ears began ringing before they could finish talking.


When (Y/N) awoke again, he could feel his heartbeat in his head. He could barely feel his extremities, the feeling of pins and needles cascading across his limbs. When he tried to open his eyes, the light seeping in through the windows only made his headache worse. If he didn't know any better, he would think that he was hungover. Not from experience, but rather based on how the other campers described their parents when such things were involved.

(Y/N) rubbed his temples in a vain attempt to massage the pain away. Looking around, he saw that he was back in the Big House infirmary, in the exact same room as he was in before. He immediately started thinking about how convenient another Sinner's Limb apple would be right now, but he figured Mammon was unlikely to show up with another as he had before.

Before he could think any more about it, though, he heard a knock at the door.

"Ugh, who are you and what do you want?" (Y/N) asked, his eyes squeezed shut to keep the light out. He heard the door creak open and someone stepped into the room, prompting him to open one eye to see who it was.

It was Simon, carrying a pad of paper and a pen in one hand and a bottle of Pedialyte in the other. He was wearing a pink baseball cap that blended into his pink and brown hair and a white version of the camp T-shirt under an oversized black flannel. He was wearing a pair of frayed pink denim booty shorts, black thigh-highs, his pink sneakers, and a pink rose earring hanging from his right ear.

Simon poured what (Y/N) could only describe as a shot of the orange hydration drug and offered it to the son of Greed, who took it gratefully. He drank it all in one go before placing the plastic cup on the bedside table. Simon started scribbling on the pad of paper with the pen he had brought, writing out something before turning the pad back to (Y/N).

'Last time I talked with you at my normal volume, you freaked out on me. Then you get frustrated in combat training and freak out again. What's going on?'

(Y/N) took a moment to think about what to say. He didn't want to talk about the Eidolons, as he didn't even want to think about what had happened with them. As such, he felt a harmless white lie, in his mind at least, was needed.

"I'm fine, Simon," (Y/N) told him, doing his best to keep a smile on his face. "Just some complications with the new leg, how the electronics interact with my brain and all that. I'll be getting in touch with Beckendorf to get it worked on shortly. Don't worry." A bald-faced lie if he'd ever told one, but one needed to assuage Simon's concern.

Simon raised an eyebrow before turning the pad back towards himself and writing again. 'That doesn't explain why you nearly took Jacob's head off in the arena,' he wrote.

"I..." (Y/N) started, wracking his mind for any kind of excuse. "I'm just tired and it's messing with my head. Think I just need a little more rest." Simon turned the pad back to himself to continue, but (Y/N) put his hand up and interrupted before he could continue. "Simon, I promise, I'm fine. Just... a lot has happened very recently. I just need to get used to it.

Simon looked (Y/N) in the eyes and looked like he was going to write something else before averting his gaze and shaking his head. The son of Harpocrates got out of the chair and walked out the door, gently shutting it as he left.

(Y/N) sighed and laid back in the bed. It didn't feel good lying to Simon when he knew he was just trying to help, but everyone else besides himself and Thalia seemed to think the Eidolons were gone. Making them aware of their presence would only make them into targets, something he didn't want to risk. He didn't doubt Simon's capabilities, but (Y/N) was the one responsible for the initial deaths. As such, in his mind, it was his duty to take care of them.

Before (Y/N) could think about it any more, he heard yet more knocking at the door. "Enter," he said, hearing the sound of the doorknob turning and the hinges squeaking. The door swung open once more, revealing the exact daughter of Zeus he was thinking about. She tossed an apple into his lap, a smirk on her face.

"Figured you'd want some breakfast, devil boy," Thalia said. "Who was the girl walking out of here?"

"That was Simon," (Y/N) informed. "He's... he was just checking on me since I nearly shot someone in the head in his presence. Twice."

"He?" Thalia asked, to which (Y/N) nodded. "Cool, just making sure I heard right. So I hear you had some freakouts about the Eidolons, so what exactly happened between you and it before I showed up?"

"Nothing. It showed up and attacked, caught me off guard, you gave me an assist, we killed it. Beginning and end of."

"I somehow doubt that. From what I hear around camp, you've been to the Underworld and the Sea of Monsters and made it back mostly fine and non-jumpy, so forgive me for thinking a simple attack you weren't expecting is causing you these kinds of problems. That is, even if you really weren't expecting it."

"Wh-What do you mean?" (Y/N) asked.

"I mean I know for a fact it didn't fire the first shot. So what exactly prompted you to fire into the woods?"

"Well, I.. I-"

"Not to mention it took you a good five minutes to react to the fact that it had grabbed you," Thalia pointed out. "Were its eyes really that dreamy?"

"N... No, I... I just-"

"And what was that you had muttered about the heat death of the universe?" That was it. Thalia had caught him.

"Fine," (Y/N) sighed. "Take a seat. This is going to take a while."


Sorry this one took a minute. Been dealing with transferring to University, and then a new Magic set released and it got me into the deckbuilding mood. That and I got stuck in a couple of places as to how to word certain things.

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