(Y/N) stared at the Eidolon in front of him. It seemed that both were waiting for the other to make a move, though (Y/N) knew that if the Eidolon didn't buy it, the entire plan was for nothing. Only just now did he realize that if the Eidolons called his bluff, he would be dead and they would attack the camp anyway. However, he knew he couldn't let his face show that.
So, the two stood there, locked in a mental game of chicken, neither one wanting to swerve. But then, the Eidolon did the one thing (Y/N) couldn't afford.
It called his bluff.
The Eidolon rushed at (Y/N), a clawed hand leveled directly at his neck. He tried to duck beneath and flip it over his head, but he was too late by mere nanoseconds. As such, rather than grabbing (Y/N) by the neck or missing entirely, the Eidolon instead was able to grab him by the forehead, taking him to the ground. The boy tumbled, trying to pull Tentazione out of his pocket and shoot the Eidolon with it. In the struggle, he was able to kick the thing off of him and get back to his feet, leveling Tentazione at it. He still had his stack of coins in his hand, acting like he was going to press down on it. Looking around, he saw more Eidolons creeping out of the tree line, unafraid of his vest. (Y/N) looked down, seeing the massive gash in the hoodie, showing the pillow fluff.
His jig was up.
"Shit," (Y/N) muttered to himself, taking shots at whatever Eidolons were closest to him and he thought he could hit. However, he was essentially in their nest. No matter how many shots he could take, he didn't have enough to shoot all of the Eidolons, even if he aimed center mass to avoid the flicking. Eventually, they were able to overwhelm him, one of them managing to lift him by the neck.
(Y/N) began to thrash about, having flashbacks to the first time this happened. Maybe... maybe these things were right. He had failed yet again, but unlike last time, there was no one around who would be able to save him. He hadn't told anyone he was coming, and even if he had, he doubted anyone would be out here to help him. Maybe it was for the best if he just...
(Y/N) could feel his consciousness begin to fade, giving up against the Eidolons. In his mind, there was nothing he could do about what was happening, and maybe they'd leave the Camp alone anyway. They had certainly made him paranoid enough to leave him confined to his cabin, so maybe that would be enough to feed them anyway. Maybe if he just closed his eyes...
Just as he was sure he was about to meet his dad again, (Y/N) felt the grip of the Eidolon loosen. He fell to the floor coughing, scratching at his throat as if it would help him breathe faster. In front of him, he could hear the sound of the Eidolon disintegrating and returning to Tartarus. He heard the sound of thunder, threatening to rupture his eardrums merely by proximity. He opened his eyes to see who exactly had saved him beyond any of his expectations, only to be met with an extreme case of deja vu.
Standing above him was Thalia, daughter of Zeus. Just like last time.
"Dude, what in the FUCK are you doing?"
(Y/N) didn't know what to say. He didn't expect anyone to help him, much less the same person who had helped him the time before.
"Well, are you just gonna sit there?" she asked, reaching a hand out to help him up. He took it, standing up and taking Tentazione in his hand once more. He tucked the roll of quarters in his pocket, and transformed Tentazione into its semi-automatic form, aiming down the barrel with Thalia at his back, watching each other's back.
"Quit talking, start fighting!" someone called from within the crowd of Eidolons. Looking over, (Y/N) could see Simon taking a Xiphos to town, deflecting away the swipes of the Eidolons, though he was starting to get overwhelmed. (Y/N) leveled his rifle at the group, let out a breath, and fired a few shots. He had to be very careful not to hit the other boy, but he was thankfully able to with all of the extra hours he had spent at the firing range with his gun. Simon quickly made his way back to the other two, now standing with his back to the other two as well. The three leveled their weapons at the Eidolons around them, daring them to make a move.

A Son From Lands Unknown (PJO x Male Reader)
FanficA new kid showed up in New York all of six months ago. He moved from Nevada, but something about him always felt off if you just ask anyone around him. Then the weird crap started. Sin's a hell of a drug. PJO x Male Reader