A Safari in Washington, D.C.

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Nearly eight hours later, (Y/N) and Percy were still following the signal sent out by the bug he planted on the van. They had followed it through Long Island and Maryland clear into Washington, D.C. By now, it was approaching the National Mall. The Toyota Prius was a little further behind, only just now reaching the White House.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Percy said, "I know this is D.C. and all, but that's a lot of military helicopters, right?"

Looking into the sky, (Y/N) had to admit that the Son of Poseidon was right. Hovering near where the Museum of Natural History would be according to the map were four pitch-black choppers, exactly like the one he shot down back in Maine.

"Shit," he cussed. "Why can't we just have one normal fucking stop... Perc, you any good at being sneaky?"

"Not really, but I have Annabeth's invisibility cap."

"Good enough. You sneak in, see if you can't find them before they find the others. I'll try to find them and warn them." They pulled into the parallel parking in front of the Museum, getting out as quickly as possible. Percy quickly threw the invisibility cap on and ran into the Museum, while (Y/N) walked casually to not cause panic. He knew that Tentazione wouldn't set off any mortal metal detectors, as it was made of infernal material. He saw the van outside the Museum of Air and Space and decided that it was as good a place as any to start looking.

Doing his best to maintain a balance between speed and actually looking for Thalia, Grover, and the Hunters. It was a little hard, though, as it felt like the various planes and space shuttles were all starting to blend together.

"Shit, shit, where are they?" (Y/N) whispered to himself. By now, he had reached the main part of the Museum, a massive three-story affair with planes and ships hanging from the ceiling. His eyes darted around the massive cylindrical room, searching for any sign of the other group. Thankfully, on the top balcony, he saw what looked like one of the Hunter's hair pieces glittering in the light.

Up all those stairs.

"Gramps damn it," (Y/N) muttered to himself before running for the nearest staircase. Were it not for the fact that doing so would cause a terrorism scare, he would've been tempted to do the same thing he did back in Las Vegas.

However, after rapidly climbing two flights of stairs immediately after running through the Museum, he had reached the other group, though significantly out of breath. Evidently, his footsteps were loud enough that he had caught the attention of the group, as Thalia turned to him.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Were thou following us?" Zoe instantly accused, her and Bianca having already pulled their bows and aiming them at him.

"No, Hell starts in the Capitol Building," (Y/N) said sarcastically. "Of course, we were following you! Your prophecy says six and you left with four, while we have two. You do the math! Now we need to leave!"

"Why?" Grover asked. "We just got here, and where's Percy?"

"That helicopter I took care of back in Maine? Well there's about a half-dozen of them surrounding the Mall," (Y/N) told them. "Percy is seeing what else is around with Annabeth's cap, so let's move!"

"This is ridiculous," Zoe argued. "The boy is lying, we only need-"

She was interrupted when Percy ran face-first into Thalia, accidentally tackling her to the ground. Grover yelped in surprise, Bianca and Zoe moving their aim onto him.

"Neither of you are meant to be here!" Zoe yelled.

"Luke," Percy wheezed, trying to catch his breath. "He's here."

A Son From Lands Unknown (PJO x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now