Fortunately, the shackles provided by Hades left the damned souls with little opportunity to act out against their captors, much less escape. In fact, the most they got was grumbling and threats, each promptly corrected by Mazikeen. Not only that, but Hades was also kind enough to let them leave through the same tunnel they had found Mammon in eighteen months ago. (Y/N) and Crowley were walking at the front, while Mazikeen was ensuring that the souls were marching.
"You know," Crowley said, "this is going swimmingly, and I hate to be a downer, but... it's almost going too swimmingly, you know?"
"No, I get exactly what you mean," (Y/N) sighed. "Everything's going perfectly, even Hades was willing to part with souls, something I doubt he'd be willing to do under most circumstances. Makes me wonder when the other shoe will drop."
"Yeah, no kidding," Crowley said. "I mean, unless you've been quite literally ordained by the Big Guy, what goes up and all that."
"Wait, what?" (Y/N) asked.
"You know, 'what goes up must come down,'" Crowley scoffed. "What, you never hear the expression?"
"No, no before that," (Y/N) corrected. "Something about ordained?"
"I mean..." Crowley said, sucking in a breath through his teeth. "In theory, this whole plan of yours might be... divine ordainment, but the odds of that are next to nothing. I mean, why would the Big Guy-"
"Bring back Lucifer, I get it," (Y/N) interrupted, sighing. "Look, I don't know either. You're right, it makes no sense, but I... I ran into Jesus on the way in. He-"
Now it was Crowley's turn to interrupt. "What?!" the demon shouted. "You met Jesus?"
"Far as I can gather," (Y/N) stated. "Only thing that stayed the same about him during the conversation was the pipe he was smoking and the bright white suit in the middle of the desert. Told me, 'Don't worry about going to Church for this.'"
"Uhh, yeah, that sounds like it might've been him," Crowley said, "but I mean, are you sure? Might've just been one of the archangels going rogue."
"Yeah... yeah, that would make sense," (Y/N) agreed. "Makes a lot more sense than Gramps trying to bring back the guy who tried to take over Heaven. But why? Why would a second archangel go rogue?"
"Not happy with the status quo, maybe?" Crowley suggested. "Thinks humanity is getting too cushy and wants them trumpets to sound?"
"But I already returned Minos to the Greeks, so we shouldn't be dealing with the end of the world, not if the Greeks' Oracle is to be believed."
"The Greeks?" Crowley questioned. "I mean, I thought we only had to deal with Hades because of the contract for souls. How'd you get involved in their mess? Why?"
(Y/N) sighed. "Some days I wonder the same thing myself."
"Right, we got the souls!" (Y/N) announced. "One for each-"
Before he could finish his statement, the ice rumbled beneath their feet. The ice within the circle cracked, specifically cracked along the lines of the ritual circle. The rectangles of ice in front of the circles where each Sin would stand melted instantly, seven coffins taking their place. The Greek souls began to panic, not knowing what was going on. To tell the truth, neither did (Y/N), but he didn't let that show in his reaction. Until his eyes lit up, that is.
"The blood of Adam," (Y/N) realized. "Almost like altars. Or battery packs! Mazikeen, unshackle the Frenchman and put him in the one in front of Asmodeus, would you?"

A Son From Lands Unknown (PJO x Male Reader)
FanficA new kid showed up in New York all of six months ago. He moved from Nevada, but something about him always felt off if you just ask anyone around him. Then the weird crap started. Sin's a hell of a drug. PJO x Male Reader