3. The nightmare

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"AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" screamed someone, happily, outside my door. It was a horrible sound, it woke me up immediately "Quiet down, its 6 in the morning!" burring myself underneath the covers.

BAM!!!!! "Good evening sleepyhead!" comes the squeaky thing into my room, pulling me off the bed. "What the hell is your problem?!" I said annoyed, if there is one thing I hate, it's getting a wakeup call. Before allowing me to wake up properly, she tossed me my clothes and pushed me into the bath. It's too early for this, looking at the clock...huh? "It already 5PM???" I screamed, getting ready in such speed, I was done in 5 minutes. My friend was also...dressed up, but in a different style. "Why did you let me sleep all day?!" I whined towards her. "I am not your babysitter and besides, someone special comes over in a minute" she said putting her make up on in the meantime. "Who? You dumped your last boyfriend two days ago" I questioned. "Shut up you, it's that hot guy from last night...your one night stand" she mocked me. "You never drop this do you?!" She gave me the shoulder instead, "Whatever, you should take your leave now... you are in the way!"

She threw me my jacket, keys and money after me and slammed the door shut. I was worried at first, she acted all girly at first and the next she turns to the cow I know. Don't get the wrong idea, we don't hate each other, but when a man is involved...she can be quite ruthless. Somehow I feel sorry for the guy, since she is known for her bad temper. I had enough money to go into the cinema, knowing my friend...she will take her time. I got myself a ticket, a XXL bucket of popcorn and a large coke...basically my dinner for tonight.

After the movie, I got myself a coffee at a café nearby. While I was drinking, a bunch of people went past me speaking loud:

"A flat is on fire!"


"Which one?"

"The one across the post office"

Crash!!!! I dropped the mug on to the floor, my body froze. What did he just say???

I ran to the direction like everyone else, to see...our flat...on fire. The fire brigade was already trying to control the fire. I watched the flames taking over the entire building, while people ran out, screaming. Everyone was out, except two...

Without thinking, I ran towards the door, as a fire man stopped "Hold it you can't go in there!" "My friend and her guest are still in there, let me go!!!" I screamed. He had to get me away; I had to see in horror, as the entire building collapsed.

My mind couldn't progress what just happened, the fire man got worried "Miss? Miss?? Get an ambulance...now!!!" The last thing I felt were two pair of arms catching me from falling.

At the hospital

"Miss N/A?" someone called me, "Miss N/A?" it came closer. I opened my eyes slowly, to reveal a man in a white coat, "Miss N/A, how are you feeling?" I couldn't answer him, how does one feel to lose the only friend they have? She might be a cow sometimes... but she was my only cow. I could only show my reply with tears streaming down my face. The man looked at me with concern, continuing slowly, "I am Dr. Coal, you were in a shock...you have to stay here for a while longer." I looked out the window, as he talked to the nurse and went out the room. It didn't take long for a police officer to appear. He introduced himself as Officer Mc Jones, asking me a few questions about the incident. Once done, he had to tell me the news...the ones I have been waiting for. "Is that your friend?" he showed me a photo of her; I nodded. "Her body was found this morning. The fire broke out in the kitchen, candles burned the tablecloth and from there it spread out."

"And the man?" I said, after a moment of silence. "Man?" "Yes, man. She had a date tonight" He could only look through his little book, "I sorry Miss N/A, according to the neighbors...no one was with her...all night." It can't be...

He excused himself, leaving me with my thoughts. No friend, no house, no job...what should I do? No answer came to me...my only support now...were my tears falling into my lab.

Two days later

I recovered, slowly, by getting support by the lady I shared the room with. She encouraged me to carry on with my life, giving me her laptop. A lady in her late fifties, who lost her sons' years back, was giving me the confidence to find a job first. With her help, it didn't take long...an office job at an organization. "It's a full-time job and you have to live there, you receive a room of your own and the uniform is included...sounds good for you" said the lady smiling. "You're right...a job and a place to stay...it sounds too good to be true. What's the catch? I asked looking through the website. "You have to work on Weekends, holidays and over-time...will that be a problem?" noticed the lady, reading it out loud. "Not at all! I get right to it, before it's gone" I winked at her, running out the room, towards the reception.

It seems my new life starts now...

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