9. The knuckleheads

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I tried my best to ignore and to keep my distance from him. I distracted myself, by talking to Seras and Pip, planning our day off tonight. It took them quite a long time to convince me to come along to a club. To the very same, my friend went to...the last time.

The captain planned that it and we left a few hours sooner. He did that for my sake, before Alucard wakes up, hoping not to see him there. Seras helped out with the makeup and outfit. She got a pair of black trousers, a tight top with long gloves in red. The top was one of hers, although, we had an argument as she tried to put her short skirt on me.

Pip waited for us at the entrance, getting into the rented car of his. "Next off...party!!!!" yelled Pip starting the engine. Horray, I thought while frowning, not feeling all too happy of this. I feared that the vampire would follow soon after.

It changed however, once we entered the club. Seras dragged me straight to the dance floor, dancing to 90s music, while Pip ordered us some drinks. We all enjoyed the evening, making fun of Pip and his behavior, once he had one too many trying to grab Seras boobs. He is going to feel his cheeks in the morning! They were deep red of Seras slapping him the whole time. As it went to the midnight hour, we had several drinks, having a laugh, feeling a little more confident now. On the dance floor, I took the nearest stranger to dance. After wards, I took Pip for Salsa. Whatever we danced...it surely wasn't Salsa. He literally leaned on me, while I held his entire body up. It was more, moving a massive bag around with no destination on where to drop him off. He received a hit from me as he began to fall asleep, leaning his head onto my chest.

Once he was on the floor with a massive nosebleed, we called it a night and where heading back to the car. To our luck, Seras could drive the car, while Pip took the entire backseat as a sleeping place, snoring loud. "Seras, I need to go to the toilet. I'll meet you at the car" I cannot hold it, till were back at the organization.

Inside the toilet was no one around, not even as I washed my hands. However, some drunk weirdo was outside the door, coming in unannounced. Before I could react, he covered my mouth from screaming and pulled me out the back door. "Come on babe, let's have some fun shall we?" He obviously doesn't know how to keep personal space of others, as he was right in my face, kissing my cheek. "Get off me!!!!" I yelled, hitting him hard. He only seems to like it, as he laughed in joy, "Yes, do it again! This turns me on!" I began to feel hopeless, as he came closer again, now heading for my neck.


The guy and I looked towards the sound, only to see Alucard, holding a massive pistol against the guy's forehead. "Freaks like you turn me off" he said, pulling the trigger.


I watched in horror, as the wierdo, turned to ashes. Before I could ask him about this, he grabbed my body, holding me bridal style. "I'll explain it all to you tomorrow; little girls like you should be in bed by now." "I am not a baby, and I don't need a baby sitter like you!!!!!" I yelled at him trying to get off him. "Is that how you show your gratitude to your savior?" he said, tightening his grip. "Not if the one killed my friend!!!!!"

The man in red sighted at this, "Are you still mad at this?"

He makes it sound, like its normal to get his best friend killed. Is he bloody serious!?????? He seems to notice my rage boiling inside, as he lifted his gloved hand over my face. In seconds I was knocked out, like a general anesthetic.

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