11. New room mate

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Because of the bed incident, Sir Integra got wind of it.

I was called in the next day, standing before the head of the Organization. Her eyes didn't show any sign of sympathy, more of annoyance and her voice matched to it, "I heard that you and Alucard are having trouble with each other, is that correct?" I nodded at her question, explaining the situation. She seems to be surprised at the part, where Alucard killed my friend. She obviously didn't know about that, "I see, is that the reason of you fighting?" I nodded again.

"Well, no matter what cause you have. You two have to get along, since you both will be partners from now on."

My jaw dropped, "Come again?"

"You heard me"

"How can I forgive him for killing my friend?"

"He is a monster. The sooner you accept his nature the better."

"He doesn't like it"

She didn't understand of what I meant, "What doesn't 'he' like?"

"He doesn't like to be called a monster"

"Ridiculous, he is one. He even says that himself."

Now I was the one confused, "But he attacked me when I said that."

I wasn't expecting a smirk on Integra's lips, folding her hand together, "Interesting."

"Interesting or not, I don't want this killing machine anywhere near me!"

At this moment, the butler of Hellsing came in with some news, "Sir Integra, I informed him and he seems to be pleased of it. He is preparing to move now."

I looked from the butler to Integra, not sure of what he was talking about. That is, until she leaned back smiling at me, "Sorry miss N/A. Not only will you work together, but you also will share a room with this 'killing machine'."

"Is this supposed to be a joke?!"

"Do I look like I am joking?!"

"I can't tell!"

"Anyway, the basement needs to be taken care of. It may take a while, till he can return back there."

"And for how long are we talking about? Weeks? Months?"

"If you ask me that way...one year."

"Why meee~"I whined, looking at the butler for help. He only forced a tiny smile at me, "Well, Master Alucard demanded it. He would only move out, if he can sleep in your room."

I couldn't believe it, "Are you kidding me?!!!!"

They obviously meant it, as I entered my room seeing this vampire on my bed. Next to it was his black coffin and in the corner of the room, his chair and table. Not only does he want to sleep here, but also this close? Not with me!

He looked up from his book and greeted me with a singing voice, "Good evening~"

"Don't 'good evening' me. Get off my bed and this thing as far away from here!" I said, referring to him and his coffin.

But he only grinned, "So my master told you the news? I will be sleeping here for the time."

"Because you demanded it, there are over 20 available rooms in this place and you have to come and chose mine?"

"I didn't want to sleep alone."

"Alone my ass. You are up to something and I am going to find out about it!"

"Well, keep trying, because I will go to bed now."

He opened his coffin, only for me to shut it again, "You won't get in, unless it is as far away from my bed!"

"Frightened to get bitten?" he smirked wider.

"Logic doesn't seem to be your strength" I said, pushing his coffin away. To my surprise, he didn't stop me; he sat there on my bed and watched me amused. It took a while, till I got his massive coffin into the furthest corner of the room, looking back at him, "Okay now you can go to...oi...what do you think you are doing?!!!"

"Your sight doesn't seem to be your strength eh? I made myself comfortable."

"This is my bed!!!"

"Obviously, now you have two options, either you come to bed now or you sleep on the floor."

He seems to be confused, as I took the other pillow off the bed, dropping it onto the ground. The next, I lied down and made myself comfortable...on the hard floor, "Night!"

"So you are really sleeping on the floor?" he said, rather amused.


"Suit yourself", was the last thing he said, leaving me be.

How can I survive this, living with a vampire in one room and that, for an entire year????

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