8. The funeral

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Today was a day of sorrow, as I have to attend to my friend's funeral. I wore some black clothes out of the closet and headed towards Integra's office. She was informed by that from Walter, but even so, I had to ask for her permission to leave. I was pleased that she accepted, without any complains. She might be nice after all.

Walter got me to a flower shop before arriving at the cemetery outside from London. Her relatives were all abroad and only a handful could show up to the ceremony. In church I sat back in the corner, far away from the relatives, since I don't know anyone. Normally it was for the family only, but as her only friend in England I had the permission to come. Later on, we all stood around the grave. Looking at the coffin in the ground, everyone threw a white lily onto the grave, before they began to fill the hole with soil. At the grave stone, I had put the bouquet of white roses near her name, as tears came to my face. The whole time I tried to suppress the urge, only to fail at the end. I couldn't take it anymore.

It didn't last though, as another figure appeared, someone that shouldn't be here in the first place. He dropped a white rose on to the grave, before coming towards me. Anger overtook my sorrow at his sight, "You have some nerve showing your face here." "I know her, even though it was only one night" he said, without any sign of grief. "The night...you came over, right? That very night...you let her die" I stood right in front of him now. "I never wanted to meet her in the first place" he said, sounding like he hasn't done anything wrong. That only made me even more angry, "And still you came. Why weren't you there by the time the fire started?" He didn't reply.

..."did you kill her?" I said, hoping to hear him deny it.


No answer, no sign of feeling offended.

...my body began to shake "How could you? You murderer!" I hit his chest, before running towards the butler. He was waiting for me at the entrance. "We can go home now Walter" I said, trying to sound normal. He didn't seem to notice my anger as we drove in silence back to the estate. Alucard went home on his own.

But it didn't stop there, as he showed up in my room. "I thought that you weren't involved at this..." I raised a piece of paper towards him "...until I got the report from the fire department. It wasn't a natural cause that made the fire spread..." my voice got louder by the minute, "...someone had burned her first, till the fire spread all around the room!" Although I was in rage, he didn't seem to feel any sign of guilt. "I threw the papers towards him, screaming now, "You killed my friend and still you don't seem to feel guilty...how heartless are you?!!!!!!!!!"

"I kill, without a hint of regret...since I am a monster. I do what needs to be done" he said casually, like he has done this before. I wouldn't be surprised by this, knowing what he trully is.

I tried to get passed him, informing Integra about this, until he hold me in place. "Let go of me!" I yelled, trying to pull away. It was to no use. He lifts me up, like I dint seem to weigh anything, lying me on top of my bed. "Get off me!!!!" I snapped, hitting him while he climbed on top of me. "There was only one reason why I did this" he said, while I stopped moving...listening to his every word. He leaned down towards me, our noses almost touched each other, "It was you that I want..." he went lower, kissing the corner of my mouth "...since the night in the park..." then he kissed the other side "...I couldn't look elsewhere..." now his eyes were fixed on me "...but you."

He caught my lips into a passionate kiss, making me feel weak by this sensation. But the fact that the murderer of my friend just kissed me, made me cry. I felt good and bad at the same time and still, I wasn't sure of what to do. All I could was letting him take over my lips, while tears streamed down my face. He is trully a monster.

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