18. Cheers

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We arrived at the Royal Albert Hall. Integra and Walter were sitting at the front, while Alucard was with me in the back of the car. His gloved hand held my wrist at all times, in case I try to do a runner. "I am not leaving the car at full speed." He looked down at me, "After what you are capable of, I won't take any risks." Wow, he sure is caring...and a control freak. As the car came to a halt, Walter opened the door for Integra. Next was Alucard turn, dragging me along. Not very gentlemen-like to get a lady out of a vehicle. His hand wanders from my waist, around my hip, pushing my body forward. He really didn't take any chances, taking my coat off as well. But this was my advantage: he is afraid that I might embarrass him at some point.

I can't make any promises...hehehe.

Too bad, he knows me too well. He leaned towards my ear, whispering in a very clear and deadly voice, "Don't even think about it." "Oh come on, I want to have some fun." His finger pushed my chin sideways, facing him, "Then behave like good little girl and I might let you." I pouted my face, talking like a child, "Yes, daddy."


We both turned around to see an old man coming towards us. I never met him before, Alucard certainly does. He grinned wide, "I didn't expect to see you here, Alexander Anderson." "Unfortunately I cannot say the same to you...or to your little girl." The vampire didn't push me behind him...oh no...he pushed me right in front of the priest, "May I introduce you to my company for tonight, Miss N/A." Anderson looked down at me; it was an awful feeling standing between two tall men. He took my hand and placed a kiss on the back, "It is a pleasure to meet you lass, unlike this monster." I tensed up at the word, remembering how Alucard reacts to it. I jumped at his deep chuckle, "Same to you, Judas priest." The vampire pushed me alongside him towards the main hall. He warned me though, to stay a far away from this priest. Alucard's hand began to stroke mine tenderly, "Don't worry; I will keep an eye on you at all times." I sighted, "For once, can you just look elsewhere and give me some space?"

There was no such thing, not while Anderson was around.

We had to greet the Queen first. She was pleased to see the count, who bowed deeply at her Majesty. I followed his example. The Queen smiled, "Welcome to the ball, vampire. Come closer." I watched, as she held Alucard's face in her hands, his smile grew by the touch. I stayed where I was, waiting for the pet to get back on my side. She wishes us a wonderful evening. Inside I was laughing, "Thank you, but HE ruined it already." The vampire wanted to start off with a dance. He didn't care if I wanted to or not. Once on the dance floor, I tried to keep on a happy face. Alucard held me close, while staring into another direction. Curious as I was, I followed his gaze. He watched Anderson, who stood a few feet away. I patted Alucard's arm to get his attention, "Who is that exactly?"

"No one that you need to know much about."

"A little more information might be better to know."

His eyes gave me the hint that he won't tell me. I shrugged, "Okay, I'll ask him myself."

"Don't you dare."

The music died down and everyone on the dance floor clapped their hands. We did the same, although we didn't really pay much attention to it. Alucard begins to growl as the priest headed towards us, "May I have this dance my lady?" I gave the vampire a glance, and he returned it with a glare.

"Why not?" I grabbed his hand and followed Anderson.

The vampire was furious. It was clear as crystal of what he meant, but I ignored it. Unlike him, Anderson danced with me, making me laugh. He even drank something with me afterwards. Alucard stood opposite from us, his arms crossed and eyes following my every move. If looks could kill, the priest would be in slices and I would have been tortured. The alcohol took his affect and was loosen me up a little. I was more confident and began to dance with other man. Sir Penwood was pleased, as I offered him a dance, a little drunk but still behaving decent. Alucard didn't want to cause a scene, while waiting at the wall. I noticed him, but refused to be near him all too soon. It was him, who had to make the first move. Sir Penwood was sweating badly, as the vampire was standing before him, "May I have the next dance Sir?" The way he said 'Sir' terrified the poor man, nodding violently, "Of course you do. Good bye my lady." I looked at him in disbelieve, "Hey, I behaved so far."

"I don't think you do."


"You are drunk and you dance with other men than me. That is not acceptable."

I made a gesture for him to look around, "Everyone dances with someone else here and...I am not drunk."

"You're not?"

"No...I am tipsy...it's a difference."

He sighted at my face, that was a little red from the alcohol, "Even so, no alcohol for you tonight."


"And you only dance with me from now on."


The rest of the night was horribly boring. I drank over twenty glasses of juices, dances five times with the 'kill joy 'and I talked to Walter a little. Back at home, I had thrown the dress into the cupboard and dropped into the bed sheets. I had hoped to get the rest of the night for myself, but Alucard had other plans. The knock on the door was making me moan frustrated, "The person you are trying to reach is not available, please try it another time!" The vampire didn't get it and just opened the door. It was clear to me who it was, as he is the only one that comes in anyway, "What do you want now?" "I thought you might want something to drink." I raised myself off the bed, ready to bark at him that I had enough Juice for one night...as my eyes noticed the bottle in his hands, "Wine?" "Would you like some?" I nodded, "But you said I won't get any." He sat down and gave me the wine glass, "At the ball, yes, but only because of the queen...and the priest." "Why her?" the priest didn't matter to me. "She has been watching you all night. I didn't want to disappoint her."

He leaned back on the bed, while I sat between him. I raised my glass up, "Let's make this night unforgettable!" In one go, the wine was down my throat, "One more please!"

"You are supposed to enjoy it" he mumbled.

"Don't be like that, I would like one more."

By the end of the night, I finished two wine bottles, by myself. It was definitely unforgettable...for Alucard.

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