19. His sweet nightmare

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The no-life-king didn't know what to do with me. I was laughing, giggling and talked nonsense. All fear left my body, as I began to touch the vampires face, "My, what a cutie you are!" "I think you had one too many." "Uh, daddy is watching eh?" He couldn't smile anymore, "Don't call me that."

He didn't like it, as I waved the empty wine glass at him, "One more!"

"You had enough for one day."

"But I want one!" I pouted, pretending to be a child. I didn't affect him. The next, I had an idea, "Okay, I will sing to you!"

He sighted deeply, "Spare me the agony."

Before he knows it, I began my tune, holding an empty toilet roll to my mouth, "Heyyyyyy, heyyyy Nosferatu...uhh...ahhh...I wannna knowwwww....owww...if you be my vamp." Alucard was not impressed by my song. I tired another one, but this time, my voice gave up on me and the lyric was a little off. I sounded like someone stepped on a cat's tail, "Near far....were eeevvvverrrr you aaarrrrreeee...I believe that the hot dogs...go ooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnn!"

In a matter of seconds, my glass was refilled, "Here, just stop singing."

"Thank you James."

The next drink made it no better for the vampire. My body began to get warm, "Oh wow, it is sure hot in here." Alucard is already familiar of how I look in my underwear, but it was a new way of him...as I tried to take off my panties. He...panicked, "Stop right there N/A!" "But I am...HOT" I grinned wide, unbuttoning his shirt, "...for you...grrrr." The vampire was not sure how to handle the situation. His only solution is to leave me alone. However, in my state I might walk around the manor, doing god-knows-what. His pride won't let him leave! Alucard gave me a nightgown to wear and shoved me into the bath. Walter came in later on, asking how we were. The vampire only requested something for my drunken state. The butler understood immediately, "I am glad that you are getting along well."


Not only was Walter blushing, but also Alucard. My panties fell on to the vampires head. I shouted over, "Keep it as a souvenir vampy!" The butler was in shock, "What is the meaning of this?" "N/A drank too much, now she acts like a nutcase." Inside the bathroom they could hear me sing, "Everybody's hearing about the bird...bird ...bird...bird is the word..."

Walter nodded, "Indeed she is."

Alucard's eyes darkened, "Killing is more of the word I am thinking off."

"No Alucard, no killing Miss N/A."

He clenched his teeth, "Why not?"

"You choose her as your room mate, you deal with it. In the meantime, I get the painkillers and a glass of water." What the butler just said, gave the vampire a splendid idea. Maybe this could work. He headed towards the bathroom, where I stood in front of the mirror, singing all sorts of bad songs. Because I didn't see his reflection, I wasn't aware that he was there. I only noticed, once he lifted me up...


I froze at the contact, "COLD!!!!!!!!!!!" I was soaked from head to toe in ice cold water. The only towel I owned was in his hand. "Give me my towel!" "Sober again?"

Well...not quite...

"Hehehe ice, ice baby..."

He grinned, "As you wish."


"For god sake, don't do that!" " Unless you are sober, you get a bath every single time you sing." I didn't dare sang another tune. My body shook from the cold, begging Alucard for the towel. His smile returned, as my voice sounded sweeter and more desperate, "Are we finished?" "Yes, yes I am. Please give me the towel."

Half an hour later, Walter returned with the things for my headache. During that time, I had my pyjama on and cuddle up to the vampire. Alucard held me in his arms, stroking my hair while I slept peacefully. The butler was amazed, "What did you do?" "That is not important. All that matters now, is that she's asleep...and quiet." "Did she had a shower?" pointing to my wet hair. "A quick one to be exact." The butler got concerned, as he touched my head, it was cold, "Well I get her a warm bottle and maybe some warm milk." He was about to leave through the door, as he heard the vampire move. Alucard began to kiss my head tenderly, before starting to cuddle as well. For the butler was this something new. He never seen Alucard behaving like that, although, he has been out of character before. Smiling at the sight, he wonders what other surprises this vampire had to offer.

Right now, I got a monster that was cuddling me like a teddy bear. What could be better than that?

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