12. A vampire in my bed

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I couldn't sleep in my own room.

Every time I heard him move, I tensed up. From the distance I could hear him chuckle. "Stop your games I want some sleep!" "It would be easier for you, if you have chosen the bed" he said. I could hear him pat my bed, "I am not sleeping in the same bed with you!" "What do you got against me..." I was about to say it, as he interrupted "...besides your friends death." I closed my mouth. What else was there that got on my nerves?

"You smell" I said.

"Of what?" he demanded. I didn't know. I had hoped he would just accept it, I didn't expect him to question it. "Bat poo" I answered. Stupid answer, I thought. "That is by far the worst excuse I ever heard" I should have known that he finds it ridiculous. "Gun powder" I said, it was a lot more convincing than poo. Because it was dark I couldn't see him get off the bed. I jumped off the floor looking everywhere, trying to hear him. "Relax little one. I am nowhere near you" and I could feel it, he said the truth. I raised my hand towards the light switch. The minute the light was on I froze on the spot. The vampire before me was half way naked. I was blushing hard now, "What the hell is going on?!" He turned around "You said I smell of gun powder, so I take off my clothes."

"You really think I would sleep near you, when you are half naked?!"

He smirked "According to your mind, you don't seem to mind it...at all."

"Damn it, keep out of my mind!"

Before I could even process, of what was going on, the light turned itself off. Something, or someone, grabbed my arm, pulling me onto my bed. "Get off me!!!" I tried to push him off, as I placed my hands on to his bare chest. My mind was now elsewhere, enjoying the softness of his chest. "Like what you feel?" I scratched his chest, making him growl, "Absolutely...not!"

The next, his hand went around my waist, pushing me against him. "You shouldn't hurt a vampire...it turns them on." His seductive voice was alarming. I could feel his arm wandering over my body, as some fabric went off my shoulder. Now it was my turn to growl, "Keep me dressed!" "You are no fun. I want to feel your skin too." His red eyes looked all over me. Unlike me, he could see my body in the dark. This annoyed me, "Stop this romantic bull and let me go to sleep already!" I pulled up my shirt again, moving a little further away from Alucard.

At least he is leaving me alone now. Minutes passed, while my eyes began to get heavy. Finally I have some rest. Suddenly, a pair of lips started to kiss my neck tenderly. I spoke too soon.


Walter was on his way to bed, as he heard the sound from the other side of the room.

He saw me walk out, towards him, "Walter, keep that pervert away from me...I will not spend another night with him in one room!" The butler watched me surprised. I went down to Seras new room, asking her if I can stay with her tonight. Of course, she had no problems with that. Walter took a glimpse inside my room, seeing Alucard on my bed, half naked and a very red cheek now. Instead of feeling guilty, the vampire laughed, "So small and yet such strength in her tiny hands."

Walter sighted "You shouldn't tease her like that. If you want her to like you, this isn't the right way."

Alucard smirked wide at the butler "Don't worry Walter, this is only the beginning...I got a lot more plans for her."

Walter wasn't so sure about it, feeling sorry for me.

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