23. Think about it

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I could hear someone talk to me. The next, one eye of mine was forcefully opened and light hit my iris. "Miss N/A?" he sounds unsure. It was no one I know. He asked me to open my eyes, but the light was too bright. The pain refused me to obey. I moaned out, as my head began to hurt. Someone had lifted me up a little, before pushing my body back. Though the sound of the footsteps, I could tell that it was two people in the room...or were. Next I heard the door closed and silence broke out.

The doctor greeted Sir Integra and Walter outside my room. They were informed of my condition, "She is a lucky girl. Getting hit by a car she normally must have fractured bones, but nothing. Only a slight concussion and a few bruises." Unlike the doctor, Integra knew already the answer. Alucard told her what happened, except the part that he was the cause of this. By the time the car collided with me, he used his speed and wrapped my entire body with his shadow. The hit on the ground was a little softer. The driver however, was not pleased about it, yelling around with anger. Integra sighted, as her servant told her that he took care of this man. In his way it means...he devoured his existence. Afterwards the vampire brought me to the next hospital. Alucard watched his master, as she was biting on to her cigar. He knows that she does that when she tried to control her anger. His masters voice was still calm, "You had your chance and now this. It is pointless to keep N/A any longer." The vampire frowned at the announcement, "Master, don't blame her for this."

"Who else is there to blame?"

He didn't answer, but she knew what he meant, "You are a monster. It is only natural for you to kill and murder. Like killing her friend."

"She had to die."

Integra demanded an explanation.

Alucard hesitated, looking into my room, "At the party, she met a vampire and had fun with him. I found the bite marks as she invited me to her home."

"And N/A didn't know that?"

"She was late for the party and out when I came for a visit."

His master listened carefully at his servant's words, "Why didn't you tell her?"

Alucard clicked his tongue, "What's the point in telling? I am a monster to everyone, she will not believe me."

Integra nodded. He has a point. After all he has done, she doubts that I would believe this. Even so, she gave her servant the permission to go in. Alucard watched his master, as she gestured him to go into my room. Slowly, he stood beside my bed. Sitting down on a chair, he grabbed my hand, rubbing it lightly. The butler came in as well, holding a basket of fruits, "She might be hungry afterwards."

"I can't keep her."

"What do you mean?" Walter looked at the vampire.

"All I did was giving her pain."

"Maybe you should stop controlling and start giving her freedom."

Alucard touched my forehead tenderly, "I just wanted to own her. To keep her to myself."

Walter sighted, "You try to get what you can't have. It is her life and only hers. She can give you affection and love, but nothing else."

The vampire went back to my hand, holding it tight. His undead life is agonizing. He wants to feel something, return feelings to others. Without a heart, he won't be able to.

"Why not live beside her?"

Alucard looked up at the butler, "beside her?"

He nodded, "She may not be able to give her life to you, but you can take part in hers."

"I am not sure I can follow."

"Basically, what you had for the past months, this is the best you can get. You are there for her and this is all you can do. Isn't that enough?"

The vampire was not convinced, but decided to think about it, "Let me know when she wakes up."

"I will."

Speaking of me, I didn't hear a word. The doctor gave me something that brought me back to dreamland. This lasted only a few hours, till I got ripped out it. The doctor was a little blurry though. But then, this stupid light was blinding me again, "Turn that freaking light off!"

"Well, nice to see you too Miss N/A."

Getting used to the surroundings, after he removed the flashlight, I realized where I was. Walter heard my shouting and came in, "What happened?" "He tried to make me blind!" I yelled, pointing at the doctor. "Shouting like that she can't be that bad" joked the man. "Screw you!" he laughed again, "And what a wonderful language." With that he left me and the butler to us. Walter asked how I feel. I shrugged, "A lot better now. I had a weird dream just now. I dreamed of a candy island with jumping unicorns." Walter raised a brow at this kind of 'dream'. "But then, the unicorn began to talk like Alucard...that was creepy." Speaking of him, I began to remember, "Where is he?!"

"At the Hellsing organization."

"Good, because once I am able to leave this place, I quit my job."

"Are you sure you want this?"

I glared at him, "Of course not, I want to be near death a second time!"

Walter tred to convince me not to make a decision just now. It was hard not to, considering that the one trying to kill me was waiting at the organization. "Please leave me alone. I need time to think."

The butler bowed before leaving me. At the door he turned around, "Someone else is doing the same thing just now." Not bothered of whom that was, I turned my back to him, "Leave, please."

At the Organization was the vampire, sitting on my bed.

He remembered the nights we spend on this room. He enjoyed annoying me to no end. The reaction, the rejection, it all got him going to do more. But since the night I got drunk, he changed. Going through his coat, he pulled out my Smartphone. Memories came up as he went through my photos. He sure missed me around. Curiously, he also went through the videos. He pressed on one and he could see me in the bathroom. I was drunk and was singing this bird song:

"Everybody's hearing about the bird...bird ...bird...bird is the word..."

His smile turned to a frown.

"...the bird...bird ...bird...bird is the word."

A deep frown.

"bird...bird ...bird...bird is the..."


He sighted deep, "Maybe I don't miss her that much."

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