27. Dead or alive?

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"Hi there N/A, long time no see" she said, as a wide smile came to her lips.

I nodded amazed, "You can say that again. What the hell am I saying! You shouldn't be able to talk, you are dead!"

She looked on her down, "You think? I think I look better than before."

Speaking of her appearance, she did change a little. Her skin was pale as snow, lips a mixture of dark blue and red and her clothes...so revealing. She never showed so much skin in her entire life. But the fact, that she stand right before me disturbs me the most. "You were killed by..."

"Him?" She interrupted, shaking her head, "He tried though...your little one night stand."

"We didn't!"

Amused at my sudden reply, she poked my shoulder playfully, "Uh, touchy as always."

"You either, still the cow I know."

"I beg the differ", she said coming dangerously close, " I am a lot.more powerful than before. Care to join me N/A? Like good old times?"

"First I want an explanation of what happened to you, then I decide. Deal?"

My old friend laughed amused at my serious face, "Always staying cricital. Can't you just something risky for once?"

At this point, I was glad she didn't know my agreement with Alucard. This is risky enough for my own good.
"I want to live a long life, unlike you."

"Good point. I don't need to worry about that anymore. My lifestyle is casual and cool. Give it a try N/A, you won't regret it."

She sounds a lot like Alucard, I thought. The same cocky and arrogant attitude. She wasn't this bad from what I remember.

"So what is your answer?" She pushed. Not replying, she grabbed my hand, "Come on, I show you some cool stuff." Unable to get out of her grip, I followed, although I didn't feel well about this.

At the cinema, Pip and Sera's were searching for me. Alucard just leaned against the wall, crossing his arms against his chest. Not a slightest hint of regret for his prank was seen. The captain is worried sick of where I went and so does Seras. She offered to walk around London for me, while Pip goes back to the organisation, informing Integra. All except Alucard refused to take action. "Master Alucard, she left because of your prank. The least thing you can do, is to help us."

"Why bother looking?"

The captain looked puzzled, "I just told you why."

The vampire clicked his tongue,"I got her scent, it will be easy to find her."

"So you can fi..."

"I am not interested."


Disappearing in thin air, Pip stared at the spot he just stood...and was speechless. The police girl just can back from the cafe across the cinema, only to see the captain frozen on the spot, "What happened?"

He finally recovered, "Seriously, like a pair of kids!!!!"

"Master?" She guessed.

"Him and N/A, stubborn like children, one is harder to handle than the other. There meant for each other I tell you!"

"Shall we continue our search?"

Pip sighted, facing the road, "We just waste our time here. Let your master deal with her once he has cooled down."

As much as he hates to leave me in London, Pip had to. Together with Seras, they go back home. Alucard on the other hand, was taking a walk, not really aiming for something. His mind was in a turmoil, not sure of what to think. On one side, he wants to be part of my life and on the other, he would love to shoot me in the head. A mixture of hate and love keeps colliding with his thoughts. The last time his emotions got the better of him, it nearly ended with getting me killed, but what will happen next time?

Annoyed by himself, he didn't notice a woman coming his way.

"Hello gorgeous, fancy a night of passion?"

"...I prefer a night of sweet screams instead" he said in a grumpy voice, imagine me yell out in pure horror. Somehow, in a strange way, it turns him on. The woman, unaware of the true meaning to his words, assumed he meant her.

"Uh, kinky. If you like I can give you the screams of pleasure."

With a bored look, Alucard only gave her one glance before leaving her. Not before sending his Baskerville after her. At this point, she screamed alright...as her limbs were separated from her torso, leaving nothing but a colored pavement. The vampire shook his head disappointed, "Good try, but I am in need of a more...sweeter scream to excite my inner demon."

Not too far off, I got dragged by my old friend, down the stairs and through a door. Two men were standing in front of it, starring down at us. My friend held me close, "She is with me boys." Inside greeted a feeling of insecurity. Darkness surrounded our bodies, almost unable to see where we were heading. Holding on to my company, she went straight to a candlelight. It didn't give much brightness, more or less shows a table with two chairs only. On one she ordered me to take a seat. As another figure appeared, he asked for our orders. At this, I assumed that we were in a restaurant. I wanted to be sure though and asked my friend about it, "Where are we?" I didn't see her smile, but her cheery voice gave it away,"In the coolest for our kind."

"For our kind?"

"Indeed, tonight they offer a special performance to entertain us. Over there." She pointed across the table to a place, where someone lit another candle. She patted my arm playfully, "You are going to love this." A man appeared out of nowhere announcing the events of the night, "Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention please. Tonight, we have a special guest and we would like her to feel welcomed with open arms. Our guest of honor, N/A!"

Suddenly, brightness hit my eyes, that I had to close them quickly. Around myself, I heard clapping, whistling and several greetings. Second later the brightness was hit by darkness, giving me a chance to see the man on stage once more. He bowed in my direction, before turning to his audience, "May we start with a bit of music shall we?"

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