17. Why me?

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Walter starred at us, as Alucard dropped me off. The butler clapped his hands together, "Wonderful Miss N/A. You look wonderful." "Don't Walter, just...don't."Alucard grinned wide, rising his shopping back up, "I will see you shortly...my dear." I growled deep, "Not while I can prevent it."

"Did something happen between you two?"

"Depends on how you see it. He is an annoying, arrogant, retarded womanizer!" Walter chuckled at the description, "Tell me something I don't know about." "Smooth Walli, so how can I get rid of him?" "That is easy..." he said, patting my shoulder, "...never."

"Oh come on. There is got to be something."

Walter shook his head. As long as he known this Nosferatu, there was nothing that could prevent him, from what he truly wants. Not even Integra can control him entirely. Thankfully he lost his interest in his master a long time ago.

"And how long did this take for him to lose it?"

Walter scanned me from top to bottom, looking worried, "Well, according of what he said about you...this might take a while."

"What do you mean...a week....a month...a year?"

"Try years" he said, amused.

"WHAT?!" This vampire is going to be the death of me. Turning into a boring human being won't help either. Walter knows, "He always finds something interesting in you. I doubt that you can ruin it."

"Try me!"

The butler didn't like the sound of that, "But you are his company tonight."

"TRY ME!" I barked.

I don't want to be this psychopath's company. There has to be a way and I am going to find it. I only got a few hours left to change his mind. But first of all, I want to get out of this bloody dress! I hate dresses!

Back in the room, Alucard was already in his suit. For one second, I was staring at him. He definitely looks good in a suit. The next, it was replaced by anger. This dress was killing me. The vampire heard me, as I began to unbutton it.

"Don't even think about it."

I gave him a finger, turning my back to him, continuing to undress.

"N/A, I am warning you."

With a side-glance, the entire piece went off my shoulders, down to the ground. Now I was only in my underwear and corset. He growled deeply, as I kept on disobeying him. Inside I was a little concerned though. Alucard just told me what I shouldn't do, but so far, he didn't take action. What was he up to? His silence made it even worse.

A silent man is a dangerous man.

Finally into some comfortable clothes, I left the room. Alucard spoke out to me, in an unusual calm voice, "You only got 50 min left."

"Tough!" I barked, slamming the door shut.

What I need right now, is a human to talk to. I got passed the butler, who only shook his head. I ignored it and headed towards the room of the wild geese. They were always happy to see me. Their captain welcomed me with open arms, "N/A, dear, you came here of all nights. What is the occasion?" He was good at seeing through me, "A get away from Mr. big guy."

"Master Alucard?"

"That is the one."

One of his men spoke up. "Mr. lucky guy is sharing a room with a woman. For a soldier is that a never ending dream."

I frowned, "And for me the beginning of a nightmare. Come on guys, help me out here."

The captain didn't understand, "Is everything okay between you two?"

"Of course...not! Why don't you be my company for tonight?"

"This is an invitation by the Queen; only the ones who received a letter can go."

My eyes got wide with hope, "Integra got one, so you can right?"

He shook his head, "No, it had to be a personal invitation. Sir Integra can go only."

"But...why can I?"

I didn't have to wait long for an answer. Something else spoke up. He was right behind me, "Because I got invited...and you are my company for tonight." His hands kept me from running away, as he faced the soldiers. Their faces turned as white as a sheet. Alucards grin got wider, "Now if you excuse me, we have ball to get to." I didn't see it, but once we had left the room, they all breathed out relieved. It was not what he had said to them, but more what he done telepathically. He threatened them to stop their fantasies in my presence. Thankfully I cannot read minds, but I bet Alucard's thoughts are no way better than the soldiers.

Unlike them, he was using it to his advantage.

Especially when he is near me 24/7. Inside our room, he ordered me to get dressed. Like a whiny child, I refused. But what I can do, Alucard was capable of doing the same. He forced me into the dress. The next, I was lying on my stomach, over his legs. As on cue, Walter came in and...stared. The scene looked like Papa Alucard was going to slap me, like the bad girl I acted earlier. Instead, he had buttoned the back of my dress together. This was the easiest was, while his elbows prevent me from moving around. Even though, it was an awkward scene for the butler.

Alucard didn't even look at Walter, "We will be there in twenty minutes."

With a nod, the butler left the room. The vampire wasn't finished with me yet. Next I sat between his legs, with my back to him. He brushed my hair and began to style it into a bun, leaving a few strains out at my face. A necklace and earrings came afterwards. My make up was also made by him. He placed me on a chair, like a doll and ordered me to keep still. He on the other hand, went on his knees, having the perfect sight of my face. "Close your eyes" he demanded. Not to anger him anymore, I obeyed. After five minute, he gave permission to face the mirror.

My face was wide open at what I saw, "How in the hell did you do that?"

"That is not important. Lift up your feet." Without hesitation, I did. It was scene from Cinderella. With his gloves, tenderly touching my leg, it was quite uncomfortable. This whole situation was unusual, "Who taught you this?" He sighted, "Walter, my master is no fan of feminine stuff. So it was my duty to make her presentable at certain occasions. However, this was only while she was a young girl and now, as a grown up woman, she can decide for herself." "Why didn't Walter do it?" This question, made him smile, "As her servant I wanted to be useful to my master."

"What about the dress thing?"

"That was for you."


He was done with the shoes; however, he didn't stand up. "I want to be more than what everyone else sees." I bit my lip, "You try to improve your reputation as a perverted old man?"In an instant, his hand held my chin up, smirking evil, "Believe it or not, you are helping me improve my image." "Oh, lucky me."

Without my permission, he picked me up and held my body in one arm. It was embarrassing knowing that I am full grown woman, carried like a doll in his arms. I moaned out, "Well done, you just improved it...from a pervert...to a pedophile." His grin didn't fade, "I only just began my dear."

I swear, if he is asking me of 'Who is your daddy? '...I won't take any responsibility for my actions.

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