16. The dress...he selected

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This man is a mystery to me. He dragged me, like a father his daughter, from shop to shop. But not one seems to be his taste. This was no surprise; they were all specialized in modern fashion. One particular store caught his interest. An old fashioned and, from what I could see, a very expensive one. Without my permission I was pulled alongside this giant, entering the place. An old lady greeted us, "Welcome. How may I help you Sir?"

Alucard stepped forward, leaving me in the entrance, "I would like the dresses you offer." He gave her the piece of paper from Walter, "For the ball it has to be acceptable." She understood, "I see. Let me have a look." In slow steps, she went through her tiny shop with Alucard on her tail. In one corner, he waved at me to come over. I didn't like the dress at all! They were all not up to this century. The vampire was interested in the Victorian ones, "Let's see what color might suit you."

"Since when are you an expert in female fashion?"

His eyes stayed on the dress, "My master needed some advice on her invitations. Walter's taste was more in the 30 and 40s, nothing Integra could wear." I got curious, "So what did she wear?" Alucard grinned wide, pointing at himself, "She took what I chose her to." "Without any complains?!" Without any complains." I was amazed, "Wow, if she had so much faith in you, then I see no reason not to trust you." Suddenly I jumped at the sight of him. He actually gave me a genuine smile, "I have waited a long time for you to say that." "Well...don't get used to it." This smile fell immediately, "You had to ruin it, do you? He gave me a blue dress, "Try this on." In the changing room, I thought about the smile he just had. It was not a mean or teasing one. Was he actually happy to hear it? Another thought crawled up to my mind, "On the other hand, he took my only friend." I clicked my tongue, "Like he would, that mo...." In shock what I nearly said, I covered my mouth quickly. In my mind, I chanted the same sentence, "not a monster, not a monster, not a..."

"Okay, you take these and these and pull them together."

"Huh?" I heard the lady giving instructions on something. As curious as I am I took a peek outside. There was Alucard and the lady, standing before a mannequin. She taught him how to put a corset on the doll. I never seem a man this interested. "Can a woman even breathe in this?" he asked curious. "If you do it right, she can."

Going back to the dress, I noticed how difficult it was to put it on.

"So, and these you have to be very careful. Pulling too much can cause it to break and this, keeps it up."

Another glance outside, she was teaching him how to put on suspenders. Why does he want to know that? The mannequin was now dressed in the entire underwear. I tensed up as he faced in my direction, "Are you ready yet?" "Not really" my body shock as he came over. Now we were both in the changing room, "What is it?" "I can't get this up" referring to the zipper. A chill went down my spine, as his glove went over my back. Once it was all the way up, he didn't bother to leave. Leaning down a little, he moves my head aside slightly, before kissing my neck in delight. "You look ravishing..." he said. I jumped a little, as his tongue went over it, "...and tasty." Out of reflex, I wanted to give him a slap, but...I was alone. He was outside, talking to the lady.

"She will wear this too."

What will I wear? I squeaked as he stood before me once again, holding the mannequin in his arms. "Wear this underneath." "I need help at some point." He grinned, "That is why I am here." Is he serious?! That is why he wanted to learn it?! After countless arguments, slapping his hands away, pushing his head aside and shouting, I was finally dressed in a Victorian blue dress, with this stupid underwear and corset.

The lady was scanning me with her eyes, "oh, how beautiful you look."

Next she faced Alucard, "What a lucky man you are, having this rose in your grasp."

My face got redder at that, "We are not..."

"Married yet, but yes, we are."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I barked. The woman however ignored me, "Oh how marvelous, when it the lucky day?"

"Never!" I yelled.

Alucard joined the lady, "I leave it to my wife to decide." "I am sure she will be pleased. I just wish I could be this beautiful again." The vampire chuckled, placing a kiss on her hand, "But my dear, you are the most beautiful thing in the room." "Oh stop. She is it more than me." He gave me one look before turning back to her, "please believe me, she is not even close to you." One thing was for sure, sucking up to old ladies was defiantly his strength. Before he could say anymore to her, I interrupted them rather harsh, "I want to buy this...dress." Calling it 'this rubbish' might offend the lady. She stopped me though, "Don't worry dear, he bought it already." I gave him a deadly glare.

"Would you like to get changed?"

This was music to my ears, "I would lov..."

"No need Madame, she can stay like that" lifting my up over his shoulder, "Farewell my rare beauty."

Once we were further away from the shop I moaned, "Why don't you marry her instead?"

"She is not worth it."

"But I am?"

He chuckled, "She is too good for me. But you...well...we see what the future brings."

Offended by his comment, I hit his back hard, "Are you saying that I am useless and ugly?!"

"I didn't say that"

I waited for an answer.

"You are completely useless and a standard beauty. So nothing special...yet."

"I hate you!"

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