13. Is this a game?

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I tried to end this nightmare, trying to get his master on my side, but Integra didn't help me out with the situation.

She told us to get along, and of course, we had to stay in one room. Walter tried his best to convince Sir Hellsing that it wouldn't be wise. She ignored all our complaints. The only one happy with the situation, is the vampire. He grinned widely at me, as I tightened my jacket, hiding my neck.

"A shame you have to hide something so beautiful."

"Shame you didn't drop dead by now!"

I had the feeling; he wanted me to fight with him. Does he like it so much?

Since that one night, I refused to wear anything short. My entire body was covered in fabric. Alucard however, finds it....funny? "You really know how to make a man use his imagination."

"Whatever you are thinking...keep it to yourself"

Suddenly, he began to make weird facial expressions, "And don't show it either!"

"You really suck out all the fun in everything, don't you N/A."

"Unlike you, I suck fun ONLY."

His smile widened, "So this is what bothers you? That I might bite?"

"Duh!" I was annoyed, seeing his grinning face. He bloody loves it! I went out of the room, getting some fresh air. On my way I bumped into the captain of the Wild geese. His cute smile, made me forget about Alucard immediately. "Hello sweetheart, how are you?" his voice was soothing. "I had better days" "What is it puppet?" the minute he said that, I blurred it all out.

"This, this...'thing'...is now my roommate and last night, he was lying in my bed...half naked...and tried to flirt with me..." Pip interrupted my whining "Who are we talking about?" The minute I mentioned Alucard, he burst out laughing. "The vampire? You go girl...getting seduced by a vampire must be exciting."

"If you love it so much, then why don't trade places with me!" I barked.

"I didn't mean it in a teasing way. Master Alucard might have a thing for you."

I slapped my forehead "Of course he has! First he kills my best friend and know he wants to take my innocence...go me!" The captain was speechless at the news. No one in the Organization knew about the incident with my friend, which makes it even harder to make other's understand my hatred for that monster. All he could do was to cheer me up a little, before heading towards his men.

"I am sure you manage...." He leaned towards me "...between you and me, is he good looking underneath?"

I had to control my expression on my face, as the image of Alucard came to my mind, "Well...he...is...quite a looker." Pip poked my cheek, "you little liar."

"Okay, he is hot as hell!"

"Is that so?"

Why now?!

I froze at the deep voice behind me. Before I could get any support from the captain, he was running out of the door. Traitor, I thought. Alucard's arms were going around my waist, as his lips touched my ear tenderly, "If you like you can play with me....sine we are 'roommates' , we should, get to know each other."

"How long have you been listening?" I demanded.

"Since you left the room." He lifted me up to his level and carried me back to our shared room. He placed me on a chair, while he began to take off his shirt...again. "From the No-life king to a no-life stripper...how low can you get?"

"Who said I will be stripping alone?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to him. He must have seen it somewhere, as he began to dance very close to me. It turned to a dirty dance, it was embarrassing. The next, he pulled my shirt off, leaving me in my...top. I grinned wide.

He frowned, "Killjoy."

I stuck my tongue out, grabbing my shirt off his hands and run out the room, like the devil was on my tail.

Well...a minute later...he was...literally.

Lost in red (Alucard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now