30. Rare as blood

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Alucard's walk of clarity had hit a dead end. Neither are his answers answered or did he find me in the meantime. Back where he left off, he returned, but the place changed during his absence. Walls, pavements and the street, it all was covered in deep red. People, who are alive, were screaming around at their dead relatives. From the way they were ripped apart and limbs were living around, Alucard knew who was responsible for this massacre. He should though, after all, he is an expert at such violence. Although, he is not aware of the amount of vampires in London. The shop, were I trapped a few of them inside one room, are still shouting from the pain of the holy crosses. Curious of what happened, Alucard went over to the lot. With ease, he moved the crosses aside from the smashed window. The vampires were relieved to be saved, thanking the unknown man in red.

One of the male vampires, not interested in Alucard, turned back to his group afterwards, "Now, let's get revenge on that hideous woman!" Another one agreed, "Her friend said that she would be an easy target...yeah right!"

The man in red interrupted their conversation, in a rather harsh tone, "Who are you talking about?"

All eyes now focussed in him, "That is none oft your business human!"

An amused smirk creeps up Alucards lips, "Human?"

"Go now, before I rip your head off."

"Rip my head off?" it got even more amusing for him, listening to their jokes of killing. He couldn't hold it back anymore, laughing hysterical. Once they told him to stop, it just increased in volume.

Not to far off, was I, battling to stay conscious. I head this laughter of his though, but wasn't unable to reply. Pain turned to a feeling of numbness, which also effected my voice. My old friend was pleased with the sight, seeing me crawl on the floor like a wounded dog. "I am going to miss this fight with another. Remember the night you met him at the party?"
I moaned out, not interested in a chit chat, "Spare me the flashbacks. Just get this over with."

"A killjoy as always. But you are not dead yet, so why not dwell in the past, if only for a few minutes?"

Not even a glare was possible for my face, only one expression: a painful one, "Let me die in silence."

Alucard was still laughing like a maniac, holding his stomach with joy. The group of vampires were furious. Completely red in the face, they attacked him all at once. Assuming that the man in red was suicidal, they didn't see him disappear. There surprise was clearly to see on their eyes, as Alucard stood behind them, "You really know how to amuse me, let's see if you can top this." The group jumped at the sight of two guns, coming from his coat. His smile widened, pointing them in their direction, "I give you a headstart."

Cold sweat fell from their faces, as Alucard began to count down from ten. Sounds familiar? Indeed it is. Alucard knew exactly what they were talking about or what they were up to. Now, it was time for them to be hunted. Not one was capable to escape his bullets, no matter how far they gone. A few more blood and dead bodies won't affect the area anyway.


This odd sound got Alucard's attention. Like a piece of metal hitting the floor, he was curious to see the real cause of this.

That piece of metal was a rod and was about to split my head in half. My friend used so much force, while I dodged it. It broke the stones underneath me, making a loud noise.

"I thought you wanted to die!"

My laugh was more of a choke, "I said in silence... You stupid cow."

"Then, I will give it another try shall we? But this time, I make it more quiet."

Lost in red (Alucard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now