4. My new life

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I had luck, I got the job. I had the interview on the phone and got an answer a minute after. I almost choked the old lady for her support that she had trouble catching her breath to laugh. I was released a day later, it was great. Today was a new beginning, I can start on my new job and have a place to stay...I still couldn't believe my luck.

I packed my last stuff I got from the hospital before leaving. I ordered a cab and made my way to the destination I received from the man on the phone. Swallow hard, we drove out of London and everywhere was forest and fields, but no houses in sight. Do I have to work at the end of the world??? Another hour, we arrived at a huge mansion, surrounded by a fence and two guards at the gates. "What can we do for you?" asked one soldier the driver. I leaned over the seat and faced the man, "Excuse me, I am expected by ...a...Sir Hellsing." I handed him the number for him to call. It was the right number and let us through. At the door was a man waiting for me to approach him. "Good evening, you must be miss N/A" I nodded. "We been expecting you, please follow me." He informed me on the way, that he is the butler of the estate, named Walter. We stopped at a large door, "Sir Hellsing is waiting for you." Knocking on the door, we waited for an answer....."Come in!" it was a female's voice. I went in and had to look in surprise to see a woman in the chair. "Excuse me miss, I am looking for Sir Hellsing" I asked friendly, as she lit up a cigar, acting offended. "You are looking at her, I am Sir Integra" she said in a sharp voice. I winced at the sound, before apologizing. "You must be Miss N/A, you applied for the office job" she stated, going through some papers, "You start tonight; Walter will prepare your room in the meantime."

She was straight forward and strict with her words, but that wasn't all, "As for the rules of the house, you only use the door to the office and your room, all other rooms are strictly forbidden for you to enter. I hope I don't have to tell you the consequences." I shook my head no, "and keep away from a certain man in red, he enjoys pestering my staff." I nodded before she told me to leave. "A man in red? Enjoys pestering? This sounds awfully familiar" I said to myself walking to the office. There I was expected by Walter, who had the duty to teach me everything, from filling documents to ordering supplies. He seemed to be pleased at my work for the first few hours, as I took phone calls and typing important documents for the orders.

It couldn't go better. I smiled at my new job, as I was happy to be here.

All my happiness shattered, as a figure appeared in the room. "Walter, I need more bullets for my guns" Walter looked up hearing him, "Certainly Master Alucard, Miss N/A, please take care of this." I was frozen on the spot, as he looked into my face, a wide smile spreading in his face "Hey there stranger."

I was shocked to see him, of all places "You?!!!"

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