22. The thrill of the hunt

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Is it wise to turn your back on a vampire? Not only from a creature of the night, but also a very angry one? What choice do I have?

It was pointless, but still an option. The minute someone walked between us, blocking his view, I ran like there is no tomorrow. Who knows, maybe I don't live long enough to see the next day. Out of the disco and into the night I shoved people aside, to keep up my speed. Afraid of the consequences I didn't hear Seras yell out to me. She could tell that her master found me alright. Alucard is an expert on frightening human beings to the very core. From the disco appeared a shadow, which didn't resemble a human form anymore. It was more like...a dog...chasing after me. The pedestrians screamed as this animal swept them off their feet, not caring of who might get hurt. Seras wonders of how this will end tonight. Not to risk it, she would inform Sir Integra as soon as possible. Especially, since I am her only girly friend in the organization.

Out of breath, I hid behind the sign for the underground station.

For the vampire was it nothing but a bad game of 'hide and seek'. He knew exactly where I was, slowly stepping closer. I counted the seconds, wondering why he hasn't showed up yet. Five seconds are already over, where was he? Afraid of a secret attack, I took a little peek. Moving a little and then... I shrieked.


The bullet missed my back by an inch. Afraid of looking, I crawled down the stairs into the underground tunnel.


Not so luck as before, this one scratched my arm, causing me to lose balance, falling down the last five steps. Scared to my bone, I twist my head around...and looked into the eyes...of a monster. Alucard held his Casull in my direction. I wasn't too sure what frightened me the most. That it was a vampire shooting at me or that it was actually someone I know trying to kill me? Another bullet has hit the wall on my left side. My eyes widened at the large hole it left behind. There was no doubt about that, he wanted me gone...for good. Unarmed, it was impossible to fight him back. My only chance was the tube, stopping on platform three. Turning my back to this monster, I ran as fast as possible towards the platform and jumped into the opening of the tube, before the doors closed. Looking back, I could see him on the outside door. He didn't seem to make a fuss about it, not even as the vehicle began to move without him. Relieved, I breathed out. Hoping to be safe by this maniac, I waited for the next station to come up.

Alucard growled like a wild animal as the tube drove off. Turning back to an information board, he noticed of where it will stop next. Since the next stations were under construction...it only stopped at one station only, the tower hill. Amused of my foolishness, he went back to the street, jumping over the buildings towards tower hill.

To slump down on my seat, I finally went over the shock and treated my wound. It wasn't too deep but still, it stings horribly. It was a matter of minutes till the tube arrives at its destination, the more my legs turn to pudding. I rather just stay where I was, just driving around in circles. Although, I couldn't let innocent people be is target practice. He is a monster and they will not hesitate to destroy anything and anyone it their path. What can I do? While I thought of a solution I got the announcement of reaching town hill in two minutes. I never felt so hopeless before and no one could help me out of this either.

The No-life-king was already there, waiting for me.

Reaching for his gun, people around him screamed in horror. In seconds, the platform was wiped clean of people. His mood was still bad, but a little smirk emerged as the tube came through the tunnel. His eyes glowed in a bright red, spotting me on one of the seats. It seems to amuse him, that I was sinking even deeper into the spot. He raised his Casull once more, aiming for my head this time.

My heart beats so fast, that all the other sounds became hollow. The gun didn't make it any easier. Unable to look away or even blink, tears where the only thing that seem to move on me. Alucard sees no reason to stop now, pulling the trigger.


I tensed at the sound. But instead of hitting me, he pointed at the ceiling. This way my moment to get away! Falling off the seat, I used all my strength to get back in my feet. Out of the tube and up the stairs. Unaware, I didn't see Alucard's face...smiling wide...with joy, "You foolish girl." The tower hill is a place where many tourists go to. Not only do I fear for my life, but also of theirs. I have to do something to stop him! However, his eyes found me in the crowd. Amused of what I was thinking, he followed my every move, "Yes dearest...what will you do now?" I ran into an alley, far away from any other human being. The others might be safe, but...who will save me?

"You truly are a joy to hunt down...my dear N/A."

Unable to run away anymore, I turned on my heel and raised my arms up to my sides, "Go ahead shoot. I am sick and tired of being your toy." Unlike before, he seems to be irritated. I backed backwards out of the alley, still facing him, "Come on now...what are you waiting for?!"

"I can if I wanted to..." he said, aiming at me once more. I raised a brow, as he lowered his gun, "...but now. I don't want to anymore." Wow, who knew that vampires can be moody! Not falling for his words, I kept on moving back, "You didn't seem to mind it before...why the sudden change?"

"There is one thing you should keep in mind for the future. Never ever...run away from a vampire. It only excites them to hunt down their prey."

I shrugged, finding it a bad excuse, "You know what...just get out of my sight!" All off a sudden, a bright light came towards me...from the left.


Alucard's eyes widened at the sight. As for me, I only felt an impact and several hits hitting my body all at once. Suddenly, a feeling for tiredness went over me and before I know it...my sight turned black.

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