26. Horror movies

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Thankfully for Walter, I got a new phone and laptop. Alucard is just not up-to-date with technology and the way of modern life. This proves the point as he frowned at my clothes, while I got ready to the cinema night. After the phone incident, I refused to talk to him. He followed my example and kept his mouth shut...until now.

"You look ugly in this" was his first comment.

I don't understand what he was talking about...what is ugly on a tight black dress? It stops above my knees and the arms are free, so nothing too revealing, "Are you talking about the dress or me in general?"

"For what you done and wear...its you." His eyes showed signs of tiredness.

"I said you are coming along and as for the dress...it is my business what I wear."

"It shows too much."

I raised an eyebrow, "You are right. I think I take that one." His face was priceless, the other one revealed almost everything and I mean...everything.

His voice sounded threatening, "If you do that, I guarantee for nothing."

Of course I got into the black dress leaving the room in silence. Pip and Sera's watched with a concerned face, as Alucard was right behind me...growling. He stayed in his charcoal suit, with a white coat handing over his shoulders. He doesn't see any reason to put much effort into this night out. However, his mind was more focussed on the soldier's thoughts. It took a lot of control for Pip, not to compliment my outfit. He jumped at the vampire's sudden growl. Ignoring his childish behaviour, I smiled happy, "Let's go!" Holding their arms, I pushed them towards the door. Alucard stayed behind, crossing his arms in defense. He really didn't want to go out. I gave him one look that said to hurry up.

His behaviour didn't change a the cinema. Alucard watched me, while I talked to the man behind the counter. Ever gesture, my very tone gave him hints of what I was aiming for. But he was not a master in body language or an expert on the art of feminine charm. He thought I was flirting with the man, while I just tried to get the tickets cheap. Alucard grabbed my shoulders, "Darling, we shouldn't keep the others waiting." With one side glance I nodded, "Fine, two tickets for that movie." Because of him I had to pay the full price. My mood was down because of that, "What was the big idea?"

"Can't you control you desires?" He said, referring to the guy. He was smiling at me.

"What do you mean? I'm not into this guy!"

"You flirted with him."

"To get the tickets cheaper. Since YOU broke my stuff, I had to save up on some things."

He shrugged, "Humans really have such weird desires these days." I gave him a finger leaving him behind. There is no use in arguing about human stuff, he wouldn't understand it anyway. Pip was about to ask about this, as I waved it off, "Don't ask, he is just being difficult." The whole situation was getting worse, as I sat at the very end of the seat. Alucard had no choice but to sit next to Sera's and Pip had the honor to be my company. The police girl was shuddering at her masters bad mood, fearing his wrath later on. I discussed the evening with Pip, about the genre of the movie. Romance or Comedy was out of the question, it was either Sci-fi, Action or Horror movie. Since Alucard was with us, we chose Horror. But from what we could hear,he was far from satisfied. He was bored to say the least, yawning every five minutes. Sera's jumped at them very time, not able to concentrate on the story plot. Pip and I were the only ones having fun. At some scenes, the soldier made comments that made me laugh out loud. The Vampire was furious at our good mood, boiling inside. Now it was his turn to lift up the atmosphere and for this, he would use the movie to his advantage. No one, not even Seras, knew what he was up to. He waited for the right scene to make his move. While I never felt to relaxed for a long time, leaning back and enjoy the thrill of the moment. Until a certain scene came up. Normally it would frighten me as much, but the way it felt...it was...way too real. In the movie, the killer was pulling a man off his seat and spilled blood all over him. Seconds later, as the cinema got quiet, the audience experienced something all at once. Without warning they were all, except us four, pulled out of their seats. We heard screams all around us. Nothing too bad, until it got louder. Something wet was falling from above. Now it was our turn to get scared. The entire cinema was cleared in seconds, leaving us three on our own. Wait a minute...three?

I am not sure if I should be angry or absolutely furious at him.

Pip and Seras stayed out of the way, as I yelled at the vampire. He got back into his seat, after the shadows came back to the spot. Before one word could come out of his mouth, my hand reached his cheek. The smack echoed through the cinema like a thunder. Alucard didn't seem to be offended, he was rather pleased, "So, can we go now?"

"Do you have any idea how much I looked forward to come here?" trying to say this in a low tone was getting harder by the minute, tears were falling from anger, "I gave you a chance and you blew it, just so you can have a good time!"

"This movie was boring."

"Even if it was deadly boring, I would have watched it! You ruined it all!!!"

Unable to control the tears, I ran out the cinema. Passing the other two and out the door. No idea of where to go, I just walked aimlessly around London. I had not the strength anymore, I wanted to end. "This vampire will be the death of me" I said out loud. "Hey gorgeous!" A female voice caught my attention. She walked over to me, the streetlights revealed her beauty, while I froze on the spot.

"You?! But...it can't be..."

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