15. Shopping with a vampire

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Integra's patience runs thin, while waiting for us. It got worse, as she heard me complain to the vampire.

"Can't you just stop touching me?!"

"I can't help it, you skin is so soft...and warm."

"Get off!"

Once we both stood before Sir Hellsing, she held her head, "Not even a few days together and you are already get on my nerves!" Neither Alucard nor I dared to talk back. Walter stood beside her master, depressing a chuckle.

Integra continued, "We are invited to a conference by the queen. N/A you will have to deal with Alucard's outfit. As for yourself, you will wear a dress."

"Is there a dress code at the conference?" I asked, with a little hesitation.

"Indeed. Women wear dresses, the length is up to you and the men wear a suit."

I looked at the vampire, "He is in a suit already." "His outfit doesn't match to the dress code they prefer. Walter will give you the instructions. Make sure that you have them by tomorrow."

Thankfully, Walter joined us to the shop...

...but only to the shop. He bowed deeply, "You take it from here Miss N/A."

"What do you mean, take it from here? I thought you come with us!"

"You can do it. Just make sure that he picks the right suit" with that, he left me alone with the devil in red. He however, enjoyed the time with me. I should have known that he would act inappropriate. Once I gave him an outfit, he took off his shirt before me. The lady behind the counter was drooling at the sight. I rolled my eyes mumbling, "There is nothing to drool at."

Turning back to Alucard, he was already half way naked, stand now in his boxers. The lady was slobbering harder, covering the table with it. "Stop being such a show off!" I barked, covering his body with a dress. "Unlike you, someone else seems to love it" he said, winking at the woman behind me. Her face turned deeply red, before she collapsed behind the counter.

"Now you've done it!" I barked louder, "How are we supposed to pay for your suit when she is unconscious?!"

"We just leave without paying."

I sighted, "I love to have your problems."

Now fully dressed in his suit, with black shoes, he headed toward the exit. Before the alarm would go off, I pulled on his arm, pulling his shirt off his shoulder.

"Can't you wait till we are home" he grinned wide.

"In your dreams bat boy, come back in here!"

The next we were disturbed by a lady in a wheelchair, "This reminds me how I ripped my husbands clothes off his body, ah, what memories."

My blood runs cold, "No, no, no, it is not what it seems, we are..."

Alucard's arm was wrapped around my waist, "...are happy couple...showing our love in public...aren't we dear?"

I growled deeply at him, "Don't you dare..."

Before I could continue, he interrupted me with a kiss.

The lady was looking pleased, "I wish I was this young again."

Young? I thought. This vampire could have been her great, great, great, grandfather with his age. I forced out a smile, "Believe me, he is not the prince charming that he pretends to be."

"Oh, what is he to you then?" she asked with curiosity.

The monster that he is, I thought.

"Nothing but a pain-in-the-butt guy" I said simply, "Ouch!"

I turned back, to see Alucard pinching my butt, "Indeed." In his voice was a hint of anger.

He excused us to the lady, pulling me back into the show. Behind the changing room, he lifted me up by my throat, "I thought I told you not to call me that again!"

"...I ...didn't...say...."

"You thought it!" he snapped. His eyes got darker, "I warn you. Be careful what you say and think in the future...my dear."

Letting me go, I fell to the floor coughing out loud. He watched me from above, "Shall we go now?"


"I know." He said, touching my cheek, "Now it is my turn to help you out."

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