24. A shattered heart

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I returned to the organisation the next morning. The doctor said I should stay till tonight, but I wanted to make sure that a certain someone wouldn't get in my way. Walter informed Integra about my decision of leaving, while I tip toed into the bedroom. Having no need to breath I wasn't sure if he was in his coffin. Taking a look might be too risky. As quiet as possible, I packed my bag with the most important things, which wasn't much though. The only thing left, was my smartphone. I searched through the entire room, but the item was still missing.

Suddenly, a small sound was heard.

Praying that it wasn't the psychopath from his box, raising from his slumber. Pleased to see the lip unopened, I searched for the sound. I swallowed hard...it came from his coffin. "You got to be kidding me?" I said to myself. Why is he doing with my smartphone? I know they won't cost the world to get a new one, but I was skin at the moment. Not able to afford one, I risked it. Slowly opening the lip a tiny gap, I saw something that was hard not to laugh at. He lied their on his back with his eyes closed, while my smartphone is on his chest, attached to a pair of headphones. Curious what he was listening to, I couldn't help myself.

From kneeling at his coffin I dropped to the floor, holding my stomach, "Hahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!"

Alucard got up and stared confused,"Your already back? What are you laughing at?" I pointed at him, still laughing. "What is it about me?" Needing a minute to recover, I answered quick, "My audio list on vampire romance? Boy you really need a life...or not...Hahahaahahahahahahahahahhaha."

"This is yours, so who needs a life here?"

In between laugh I said, "It was a present from the girl I met in the hospital, on the night as the fire..." My laugh died immediately, as the memories kept flooding into my mind. Alucard knew what that meant, throwing my phone at me, "This is rubbish anyway. You humans really are weird creatures." I frowned, "If I am such a 'weird' thing to you, why are you keeping me around?" That was his cue to explain. Getting out if his coffin, he wished for me to sit beside him. Not granting his wish, I sat as far away as possible. Ignoring this, he told me what truly happened on the night her friend died. It sounded like an excuse to my ears, but the vampire stayed serious...deadly serious. The minute his words stopped, he watched my expression. It was a mixture of anger, sadness and irritation. What I did next was something he didn't expect. Like a wild animal, I attacked him, jumping on his lap making us both fall off the coffin. Now sitting on his chest, I screamed at him. That he is a liar, that he should truly die and other unpleasant things, using all the words I know to swear. Instead of resisting, he didn't. Lying on his back with me on top, he let me slap his face, cursing all sorts of things into his eardrums. I can't tell how long I have done this, as dizziness came over me. Careful he got me off him, putting me to bed, "Remember to breath in between your sentences in the future."

"Drop dead now!"

He sighted, sitting beside my body now, "I knew you wouldn't believe me, but you had a right to hear the truth."

"This isn't the truth!"

"Whenever you like it or not, it is what it is", just then, he noticed my packed bag at the door, "Are you leaving?"

I didn't answer. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to close my thoughts the same way. He grabbed my bag and threw it out the window. Shocked by that I got up,"Have you completely lost it!!!" Alucard watched as I hit his chest with my fist, not stopping me. "Why can't you just leave me alone?! What the hell did I ever do to you?! Why are you cursing me with your presence?!"

Ouch, that hit him hard.

From a human that he isn't fond of it wouldn't matter, but from me it hits him like a ton of bricks. Suddenly, he fell on all fours at my feet, with his head hitting the floor. This confused me. A mighty creature like him, bowing as deep as possible before me was new. "Forgive me, I have failed you. Will you give me a chance to make it right to you?" This was not the mighty Alucard before me, it was more of a man whose heart is shattered. "Will you get up, its embarrassing!"

"Allow me to be your faithful dog."

"No, just get back up!"

"Let me be a part of your life."

I frowned, "You are already a part of my nightmares, that is enough. For god sake, get up!!!"

As expected, the door opened and Walter walked in. He stopped immediately as he saw the vampire on my feet. "Its not what it looks like!" I defended myself. Alucard refused to stand until I chanced my mind.

"Alright, just get up already!!!"

Walter just stared at us, not a single word left his mouth. Like assuming that he interrupted something, he closed the door in silence. The minute the butler was gone, I faced Alucard, "Happy?!"


"You are worse than a small kind screaming for candy."

He kneeled on one knee. I began to panicked, "Not again!" He grabbed my hand and kissed the back, "I hereby swear to you, that I will never make you miserable again. Become the most important part of your life, protect and support you at all cost." Before I could reply, he interrupted, "All I ask for you, is to accept me in your life."

My frown grew, "Fine, but you won't get away that easily. From now on, I am allowed to be alone once in a while, allowed to go wherever I want and above all...no jealous acts!"

I could tell, it too him a little strength to accept. However, I wasn't finished just yet, "And I will have a room of my own."

"I don't think that this..."

I interrupted him quickly, "My own room or the deal is off."

"...at least one night."

"That really takes the biscuit!"

Not without another reply, he carried his coffin out the door. He frowned himself, "It was worth a try."

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