32. The end is the new beginning

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It was worse than I thought. Not only did I fall out of the wheelchair, I couldn't stay awake. The nurses were alarmed, getting me to the emergency room as soon as possible. One informed the reception, so they could tell Alucard about this. He was sitting with his master, Sir Integra, in the waiting room. Even though it was forbidden to smoke there, she lid up her cigar, "Walter took care of N\A's old friend. She was the leader of an underground organisation and their goal was, to destroy London bit by bit." Her servant didn't reply, his eyes were fixed on the loudspeaker.

"That is not like you, worried about a human."

His lips remained sealed. Integra was impressed to see him to out of character. His eyes moved, as the lady from the reception approached.

"You are the man she came with right?"

Alucard nodded, "How is she?"

"I am afraid, that she is in a terrible state." He listened carefully, as she explained my condition. It got worse with the doctor coming into the waiting room, "We have a serious problem, we need blood and fast. Her blood group was used up on the last operation three hours ago." He didn't have to speak no further, they all knew what he was demanding. Alucard offered himself to donate, only to be disappointed after the test. His blood type was different and the blood not usable. The nurse said that his blood was surprisingly dark, almost black. Which leaves only one person left. Sir Integra agreed...and thankfully...it was a match. As the hours passed by, Pip, Walter and Sera's have entered the hospital. Since I lost too much blood, I needed more than Integra could give. Walter and Pip were willing to donate as well. Which leaves Alucard and Sera's in the waiting room. Her master was in not mood to talk. He gritted his teeth, angry at something she didn't know of. Hitting the wall with his fist, Sera's jumped at the sound.

"My blood doesn't match!"

"Its because you are dead" came his master's voice from the door. She told Sera's to go up and check on me, while she and Alucard had something to talk about. Before this happened, she saw something extra ordinary... the strong and mighty nosferatu...was crying. Blood tears left down his cheek. His master's eyes widened, "I wasn't aware at how close she got to you."

"She is all I got."

"Perhaps you should take better care of her instead of, toying and waiting till it's too late." Integra knows how much his servant loves to play, forgetting my fragile body, "A human is a delicate being, treat her with great care...or you will lose her." The thought of it, made the vampire tense up. Integra sighted, "Go up to her. You may not be able to donate your blood, but you can still support her in other things."

"Such as?"

"Protecting her." She left him alone in the waiting room, heading towards the car outside. The vampire went up to my room, slowly taking one step at a time. In my room, it was just me and Seras. Sleeping deep, he went around my bed and grabbed my hand, like he did before. With a single glare at his fledgling, she left in a hurry. The sound of the machines prevented the room to turn silent. His gloved hand rubbed the back of mine, before giving it a kiss. The touch made me open my eyes. Tired and weak I stared at the vampire, "Idiot."

He chuckled at that, "I guess I deserved that."


He stated still, waiting for me to talk. Instead of that'd, I pulled on his hand and kissed the back of his hand, right on the symbol. My behaviour caught him of guard. A weak smile came to my lips, "You are not the only one with a sense for bad timing."

He relied to me with a smile. No more words were exchanged that night. He stayed with me till the sun came up. Sir Integra and Walter picked me up a week later. She had a plan for me, ever since she talked with Alucard in the waiting room. There I was, beside Alucard, inspecting a leaflet she gave me, "School?"

She nodded.

"Why? I finished school already."

"It is not a regular school. It is a private academy to teach you on how to become a first class butler."

My mouth dropped, "Butler...me?" I looked up to the vampire, "You knew about this?"

Integra interrupted, "Actually, it was his idea. You go tomorrow morning."

"But why?"

Now it was Alucard's turn to speak, "It is a job that keeps you alive and at my side."

Sir Integra told me, that I shall live in London for the time being. Once I am finished, I shall return to the Hellsing Organisation, supporting Walter on his daily chores."

One thing interested me though, "You said I live in London for the time being, does it mean...alone?" She knew what I was getting at and laughed, "I think that is what you two have to discuss for yourselves." Referring to Alucard, I gave him my best expression on a puppy face.

His reply came shortly after, "Don't get cute with me, I am coming alone, end of discussion."

I moaned, "So close."

"And I will sleep in your room."

"Under one condition!"

His brow raised up, "and what would that be?"

"Keep your shirt on and we have a deal."

Alucard's smile widens, "And sleeping in the same bed?"

I gave him wink, "Depends on how you behave till then."

"In that case, I will be the perfect gentleman."

Not only I but also Integra had to laugh at that. I patted his back, "You don't even know what that means." I jumped, as his hand cupped my chin, "It means we are going to share some experience together."

To catch him off guard, I gave him a little peck on the lips, "We will see."

During the years, we got closer to another. Becoming a butler wasn't as dull as I expected, feeling good to support those who gave me my life back. Alucard had also changed in a few things... However, there was one he never changed. He promised, that he will never stop pestering me. As for that, I promised him, that I will always find a way too annoy him. Isn't this romantic?

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