20. A night out

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Feeling cold and a headache I forgot his nature for a little while. The next day, it returned back into old patterns. Thankfully I didn't find out about his kisses, otherwise I had another reason to stay away. The butler enjoyed it, as we stood in front of another and fought like an old couple. It didn't matter what it was, everything was a reason to start a fight. Although I refused to say anything about 'you-killed-my-friend' or 'you-are-a-monster', the fights will be endless and my death sentence.

But to be honest, he did change a little.

Normally he couldn't wait to get his hands on me, but since last night...he threatens anyone who gets too close to me. Like a pit bull terrier, protecting his owner. This made my friendship with the wild geese a lot more complicated. The only male that gets passed Alucard, is Walter. Females are not his problem, so at least I got Seras to talk to. She finds her masters behavior quite odd, but refuses to say it out loud. Because of that, she invited me to a night out to the cinema. Surely, Alucard would let me go with the police girl.

I asked him straight away.

"Hey there...vampy."

I found him in our room, reading a book, "What do you want?"

"I was wondering, if you allow me to go out." I sounded like a child, asking for her parent's permission. It feels like I am in the wrong movie.

"Where are you going...and who with?"

"I am going out to the cinema, with Pip."

He shut the book closed with such force, it made a loud bang, "What?!"

I was terrified of his eyes, shining dangerously at mine, "Seras...I mean Seras!"

It was meant to be a joke, but I didn't expect him to react like that. He leaned back in his chair, calming himself down, "Where is this cinema?" "In London, Seras knows where", my answer didn't seem to please him. Like at a police station, he demanded a lot of details from me. From where it is to what we will do and where we would go afterwards. He sounds like a right control freak! What is the matter with him lately? He was all perverted, annoying and laid back and now...clingy, jealous and overprotective.

"Are we done now, officer vampy?"

"Not quite."

Oh no! What else?

"I am coming with you."

"What?!" the one thing I expected not to happen and here it is...slammed into my face.

"Can I have one night, without you following me around?"

"Don't you want me around?" Oh oh, his favorite question which turns most likely into a major argument. I am not falling for this, "Not tonight. We leave in five minutes, so come on!" he watched my eyes with interest, while they kept begging him to make up his mind. "Very well, after the cinema you come home, understood?" From a begging look, my eyes widened with joy, "Really?! Thanks!!!"

Before he could let out another word, I was out the door.

Alucard has never seen me this excited before. He feels not appreciated, since I never ever reacted like that, when we do something together. Seras gets more attention from me, which bothers the vampire a lot. But he gave me the permission to go, so he had to wait for my arrival. To kill time, Alucard lies back in his chair and continued the book he read earlier...but somehow...he couldn't concentrate. His mind was constantly on my safe keeping. If he is at the organization and I at the cinema, he might not be able to protect me in time. The count growled at the disturbance of thoughts, throwing the book across the room.

Seras and I didn't know any of that, since we have arrived on our destination.

"What do we watch?" anxious to get in, I had to know which movie we are going to see. Seras picked an action-thriller. I agreed with a smile, at least something to get my mind off the large puppy at home. A horror movie might not be the best option, since I was in one already. We ordered popcorn and a large bottle of coke. While the police girl took them off my hands, the boy on the counter began to ask me out. I was flattered to be asked by someone else, than the controlling blood sucker.

"Would you like to go out after the movie?" he was a little bit nervous, his hands were shaking.

I find this cute, "I would love to...but I can't."

He hesitated with his question, shaking even more now, "Why not?"

"My...father...wants me back home afterwards." I couldn't tell him that a monster was waiting.

I wasn't aware that Seras watched us nearby. I jumped as her hands grabbed my shoulders, "Perhaps you can go out now. I let you know then the movie ends."

I froze at her offer, whispering into her ear, "Did you forget who is waiting at home? He will kill you for sure...and I will be next." "But you like him, don't you?" I glanced over to the boy, "Yeah, he is cute." "So go for it. I watch your back." I stared at the young woman with concern. She assured me that everything will be fine. I should relax and enjoy the night for once. As I left with the boy the cinema, my feeling didn't stop bothering me. What if Alucard finds out about this? What will he do...to me...to Seras...or even to the guy I am with. For a minute it all stopped, as he gave me his hand to shake, "I am sorry, I am Nick."

I returned the favor, "I am N/A."

Nick was still a nervous wreck, smiling uncomfortable, "I am new to this. I hope you don't mind."

Smiling back I said, "Not at all."

"Would you like to go to a café?"

How could I refuse? The next café was down the road. We ordered some coffee and cake, while we began to talk about random stuff. His nervous state was gone after an hour. Nick seems to like it as well, gaining more confidence as the conversation continues. It was relaxing to talk to someone else for a change, plus I can keep my promise to be home afterwards.

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