So, we took the tour, which pretty much sucked all the time from social studies [ YES! :) ] and went back to go to science [DOUBLE YES!!!! :D!!!! ]. When we walked in, I immediately brightened up. I felt Reece and Tempest stand a little straighter, too. We were creating electrical circuits, and there were teeny little lightbulbs that we needed to light up. The whole class seemed to be having a lot of fun. I knew I would figure it out in about a second, but it doesn't matter. It's still great to watch everyone having so much fun.
As soon as Tempest saw what we were doing, her eyes lit up. "I love electrical circuits!!!" she says.
"I do too," says Reece.
"Me, too," I say.
We walk up to Mr. Ross' desk, explain why we're late, and get started. Mr. Ross had handed us bags with the necessary equipment to create the circuit, and we get to work. Reece and Tempest tweak, roll, clip, and adjust everything, while I sit back and tell them what to do, since if I did the work, I would finish in 5 minutes and have nothing to do for the whole period.
Then, it's time for the finishing touch: the light bulb. Tempest had the honors of placing it in the right spot. She cradles the bulb in her hands carefully, then puts it down and attaches the wires. As she does this, the metal clip on one of the active wires clamps down on her finger.
Ouch! That amount of electricity's gotta hurt!
But, instead of pulling her finger away and yelling, "OUCH!", Tempest just admires her handiwork, which is the shining bulb.
"Um, Tempest?" I say softly. "You're kind of being... electrocuted?"
"What? Electrocuted? What do you mean?" Tempest asks timidly, sounding confused.
"That wire is active," Reece explains while pointing at the wire on her finger and sounding perplexed. "Why doesn't that hurt you?"
Tempest looks hesitant to tell us. After all, she only just met Reece and I.
"I kind of... developed a resistance to shocks?" Tempest whispers with another ghost of a smile.
No, that's not it. That's not scientifically possible.
But wait. Reece having fire powers and I having X ray vision and telepathy isn't scientifically possible, either.
Let me look into her thoughts.
"Oh, no. They have you. They know you're lying. You've just lost 2 more friends. Just like in your old school, you're gonna be the laughingstock. Just tell them. Get it over with." Tempest's thoughts say weakly.
"We'll still be your friends if you tell us." I whisper.
"I, well, I.." Tempest takes a deep breath. "I have powers. Superpowers. You probably don't believe me." Tempest starts talking really fast now. "At my old school, I lost my only friends telling them, and I wasn't believed, but it's true. I can control, produce, and summon all sorts of weather. That's why I'm resistant to this wire." She holds up the wire, holds her breath, and squeezes her eyes shut. "Go on," she whispers. "Laugh at me. Say you don't believe me. That I'm crazy."
Well, that explains why her name is Tempest. And why she's wearing the clip and the necklace.
"We believe you," Reece says softly.
"And we don't think you're crazy." I add. "Look, Reece and I have powers, too. I have telepathy and Xray vision, and Reece can control and produce fire. It's an awesome coincidence that we all met!"
Tempest looks shocked. "Really? You do? You're not pulling my leg?" she says. "Come on. You're joking, just like everybody at my old school would do."
"We're not joking." Reece says firmly.
"You're our friend." I say.
Tempest smiles the biggest smile I saw her do all day.
"Great! Finally! People who understand me!" Tempest says, doing a twirl right then and there. "Yes! Finally!" and she gives us both a big hug.
Reece and I glance at each other for the third time today. Well, looks like we made somebody happy.
"Well, it looks like you're really happy about accomplishing the task of creating a circuit, Tempest," Mr. Ross says with a wink and a chuckle as he walks over to our table.
"Oh, yes, Mr. Ross, very happy!" Tempest giggles, and breaks away from the hug to twirl again.
I'm happy I chose to go to the office.
Science Fiction"Anyway, this is close to impossible. In fact, it's scientifically impossible. Is this a dream? I pinch myself to make sure. Nope. It's real. I fight the urge to scream out loud. I HAVE SUPERPOWERS." Aurora is an average (and pretty smart) gi...