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**Disclosure: Regarding the Portrayal of Alastor's Sexuality in this Story**

Hey Gabes!

Before delving into the narrative, I feel it's essential to address something that might impact your experience with this story.

Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that Alastor is Aroace in this story, However not as much as one may think he is. As someone who identifies with the Aroace spectrum, I have a pretty good understanding of the orientation. Personally, I experience no romantic or sexual attraction and have been without a romantic relationship for the past five years.

However, it's crucial to note that this particular portrayal of Alastor may differ slightly from his canonical sexuality. Viv, has expressed an appreciation for shipping and has indicated through various interactions, such as liking Radioapple tweets, that she enjoys the ships.

In this story, I will explore scenarios where Alastor's character may engage in romantic or sexual interactions. I understand that this interpretation may deviate from some fans' preferences, and for that, I sincerely apologize. Viv's acceptance of shipping within the fandom has influenced this creative choice, and I want to be transparent about it from the start.

If you prefer stories where Alastor remains completely Aroace and disinterested in romantic or sexual relationships, this narrative may not align with your preferences. I appreciate your understanding and hope you can enjoy the story for what it is

One last thing. I will have certain head-cannons and other things in this story, so I'm hoping that isn't too bothersome for anyone!

Thank you for your understanding

Warm regards Gabriel!

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