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Sunlight was entering in the room making the surrounding look ethereal. The round bed was lying in middle of the sage green painted room. A long mirror kept on the side of huge sliding door connecting to the balcony.

The dressing table kept beside the round bed with a puff chair and mirror in front had lots of expensive product upon it. To the other side of the bed was huge almirah with tons of dresses. And in the middle of the bed was lying the lazy queen Aarohi Khanna.

She is a university student but all she do is to miss classes. She isn't bothered of it because her father is rich and she can easily pass to the next class but her mother is very strict. She thinks that Aarohi should have proper knowledge of everything by attending lectures and here she was in her room with a glass of water.

For Aarohi to drink? No. She splashed the water on her face as Aarohi gasped for breath. "Mummaaa" she whined as the water was cold as her mother twisted her ear "You missed a lecture. How can you just sleep here huh?"

She dragged her down the bed as Aarohi winced in pain "Ouu mumma, it hurts" she said but her mother wasn't budged. "Get ready within 10 minutes or you'll go to the university in same clothes" she glared and left her ear before leaving from the room.

Aarohi sulked but dragged herself in the washroom. She took good 20 minutes to get ready as now she was looking for the dress to wear when her mother barged in "WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING? AND WHY ARE YOU IN BATHROBE? GET READY IN TWO MINUTES AAROHI KHANNA" and left slamming the door.

"My ears" she said rubbing them and then chose a pair of cloths. It was white shirt beneath and brown knitted vest sweater which her grandmother specially knitted for her as her grandmother owns a very famous and known business of clothing. Under that she chose blue baggy jeans which was damaged near the knees.

She picked her bag and took her book and went downstairs to see her father sitting reading newspaper. She hugged him from behind "Good morning Baba" as he laughed "Good morning beta ji" and patted her head.

"Tumhari mumma itni garm kyu hai aaj?" He asked as she sighed heavily "Baba, she literally threw water on my face when I was sleeping. It is so hard to even sleep in this house" she was complaining when her mother came with breakfast for her.

"Haan kar lo chugli. But don't complain when your future husband doesn't take care of you" Aarohi looked at her "From where this husband thing came up. And I bet he can keep me better than you. At least he will let me sleep" she said picking up the bread as her mother was applying butter while sitting on another couch.

"Haan haan dekh lenge" she taunted as Aarohi said nothing and had breakfast. After that she picked her car's key and went towards her grey Bugatti centodieci. She sat and drove towards her friend to pick them up.

She reached at her best friend's house where her other friend was also present. "Hey Aarohi" Nikhil said as she replied "Hey bro" as Esha sat with them. They all drove to university.

After parking her car, she went towards her class as they three have same. They three entered the lecture room with rich aura and sat at the backseat. Soon the professor entered and blabbered upon his lecture to which Aarohi didn't payed any attention.

After whole boring day, they three went to a cafe "Guys, we have fest next week. Are you guys participating?" Esha asked as Aarohi was scrolling through her Instagram while sipping on her Boba tea. "I'm going to dance" Nikhil said as Aarohi looked at him.

"Yeah you can. You're better at it" she said as Esha asked "How about you?" To which Aarohi replied "I'm going to play my guitar. I asked Malhotra sir in advance and he said that there will be a young businessman Avinash Thakur. He loves to play guitar as well and sing so I guess he will be impressed and might donate something to this poor college"

The other two chuckled "I'll sing with you then" Esha said. She is good at singing so Aarohi agreed. Later they all went back to their home.

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