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She somehow managed herself and was now walking through the aisle towards her to-be-husband who was just looking at her. She had swollen eyes and people would've guessed because of her love towards her family which actually was hate.

She sat beside him as he was just looking at her. The pandit (priest) started the mantras as they performed every rituals. The priest then asked them to take vows as they stood up after her father tied the knot also known as Kanyadaan. The priest started saying the mantras and then they both sat.

He now told the meaning of each vow and the bride and groom had to reply for each. The first vow began with him saying "So in the first vow the groom promises to take care of his bride, their children and the family. In return, the bride undertakes the responsibility of looking after the groom’s home and his food" and then they made offerings in sacred havan kund (fire pit)

Then the priest said "The second vow says that the groom promises to protect his bride under all circumstances. In return, the bride promises to stand by her husband through his agonies and ecstasies" and again they both did same

The third vow went like "The groom promises to work hard to earn enough wealth for the family and in return, the bride promises to effectively take care of the income and expenses."

The fourth vow says "The groom promises to entrust the responsibility of his household to his bride and respect her wise decisions regarding the same. In return, the bride promises to fulfill her duties to the best of her abilities for a respectful living"

The fifth vow says "The groom promises to consult his wife in all important matters. In return, the bride promises to support her groom in all his endeavors" they again made offerings in sacred fire pit.

The sixth vow went like "The groom promises to remain committed and loyal to his bride besides considering her alone as his wife. The bride in return promises to remain faithful to her husband."

The priest continued "And the last promise is that the groom promises to lead his entire life with his bride, who is not just his wife but his friend forever. In return, the wife too promises to spend her life with him until the very end" and then after the last vow the priest asked "Groom will fill vermilion in the partitioned hair of bride"

Avinash picked up the vermillion in coin and filled it between her hair as she closed her eyes cursing the universe for this moment as a year dropped from her eyes. Next as per the priest, he picked the chain (mangalsutra) and tied it around her neck.

Their both eyes met, his eyes contained nothing but emptiness meanwhile her eyes contained lots of emotions she wanted to tell but he wasn't able to get any. After that the wedding was finally completed.

After a whole wedding of four hours with every ritual, it was time to take blessing from elders. They both stood up and touched everyone's feet as the media flashed light through their cameras not leaving any chance to miss the opportunity.

After every ritual was completed, Aarohi directly went in her hotel room without talking to anyone. She slammed the door shut and whole night all she did was to cry. The next morning, her door banged as she stood up lazily. She had changed yesterday. As she opened the door, her mother entered "Beta it isn't good for you to sleep in different room" she said entering but Aarohi paid none attention.

She went towards the bed and scrolled through her social media. All the social media's had the hottest topic trending was 'Avinash Malhotra married the daughter of Harshit Khanna. A love or a business deal?' she smirked thinking that how long will they even deal with such news.

Her mother sat near her as she put her phone down "Aarohi, take this" she said giving five boxes of jewellery as Aarohi frowned "These are some of my jewellry and also some as gifts" she said as I ignored her and went straight to washroom to get changed.

After one hour she came out in a saree. She looked at herself and smiled with a satisfied look. She twirled around as she was really impressed by her choice. It was crimson red saree with mirror work and golden stones border.

She filled the vermilion as she didn't want to create any mess and then packed her luggage. Diksha came and informed her to come fast as it was time for dispersal to her new house. To be honest, this time Aarohi felt nothing. She didn't want to cry at all.

The helpers took her luggage as she reached at the exit gate to see at least ten cars there. Three for family members of her in-laws and rest with guards. "You look so beautiful" her mother-in-law said putting that nazar ka tika behind her ears.

She smiled and then she hugged Diksha as she said "Take care and call me whenever you feel alone okay? I'm always available" Aarohi nodded and then her mother hugged her. She had tears but Aarohi decided to ignore her mother's tears. Same goes to her dad.

She then hugged her brother and felt the warmth as tears made its way from her eyes. Her brother wiped it and pecked her forehead "Don't ever feel unloved okay? I love you the most" he said and hugged her. Then her Bhabhi also hugged her. They had a connection like best friends. And like that she finally sat in the car beside Avinash as it was drove by Avinash's brother and a cousin.

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