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Aarohi's POV

I've been tired living in this boring hospital room. Finally I'm getting discharged today. The doctor came and checked me as Avinash was looking at his moment very seriously more like jealousy "How are you feeling Ma'am?", he asked checking my eyes

"Better doc" I said as he nodded "You will be discharged today. But you're not fully recovered yet. You'll feel unconscious a few time, maybe nauseous too. Your head will spin as well and you might want to sleep a lot. Also your legs have fractures so you need to avoid walking and ask this gentleman husband to work for you. And Mr. Husband, take care of your wife, don't let her do any sort of work and no stress to her. Use wheelchair and try to give her Vitamin D that is excessive sunlight and the medicines should be given on time. If any other issue, please do contact us or any doctor near you. Pay the bills at the counter. Take care" he said and left.

Avinash sat beside me "He's simping over you" he said as I chuckled "And you're sulking" he chuckled. The nurse bought the wheelchair "Let's go shall we?" He asked as I nodded "What about my clothes?", I asked as he smirked "I'll help" as my eyes widen "No way" I crossed my arms around my chest dramatically

"I was the one who changed your dress when you met into accident" he said as my eyes widened more "I know you're lying" I said as he smirked and leaned in my ears "You look damn in your beige coloured bra and panty" heat crept upon my cheeks as I pushed him "Pervert" I said as he whispered "Only for you" and chuckled and then he called Bhabhi to help me get changed. He pushed me through the wheelchair as our flight was booked for today itself.

"Are you sure you want to go today? At least get better and then we can leave" he asked as he picked me up in his arms and settled me in the car. "I just can't wait to meet everyone" he chuckled and then we went to airport. After bidding bye from everyone we finally flew back to India.

It was a long flight but we made it. I again stepped in my wheelchair as he pushed me and then again helped me to sit in car. He drove and I was remembering the way to mansion. Everything's same. The mansion came in view as my heart beated crazily "Did you tell anyone about my appearance?" I asked him as he shook his head "Surprise" he said as I gulped "Avinash, I'm getting nervous" I said as he pulled the breaks just in front of the main gate.

The scene of me leaving from here as Rishi Bhai stood there begging me to stop replayed. I took a deep breath as he helped me to sit on wheelchair and then the door of main gate rang. A helper opened the door and I remembered her immediately. She was the one who always helped me with my works and we used to talk a lot as well. Her tears welled up as she bent down on her knees "Thakurani-sa, it's so good to see you back" she said. She was same age as mine as I asked her to stand and gave my smile to her.

Avinash pushed me inside as he said "I'm back, is someone home?" Slowly everyone came downstairs and the first one to notice me was Maa as she stopped on her tracks. Her smile dropped as tears welled up. Rishi Bhai immediately ran towards me and bent down to meet my level "A-Aarohi..is that really you?" He asked with his shaky voice as my tears fell as well.

He hugged me as I hugged him back "Why did you leave us huh? I missed you as hell. You were the only one who understood me. Why?" He asked as I wiped his tears "I'm sorry Bhai. But see I'm here again to live with you all." I said and looked around to see Ananya with tears standing a little far with her son in her hands.

She came and gave me a hug "Aarohi I'm sorry you had to suffer all that because of me" she said as I shook my head "No Ananya. You're not at any fault." Then she handed her son to me as he asked "Who is she Mumma?" He asked her mother as she replied "She is your Badi-Ma beta" as he hugged me "Oh so you are the one in the photos which are in Bade Papa's room?" He said as I chuckled.

After meeting everyone I could see Maa still standing a far. I asked Avinash to take me towards her. I touched her feet as she bent to my level "How are you on wheelchair beta?" As Avinash explained her everything "In what words should I say sorry to you Aarohi? I'm in extreme guilt for ten years. Please forgive me" she said with tears as Dad was also with her "Please Maa, don't. You both gave me the love my own parents couldn't. It was not because of anyone of you. And please can we forget the past and live the future better?" I asked as Dad said "Yes Yes. Come on everyone, let's have dinner and then let's watch movie together and then we will do a lot of fun" he said

Everyone agreed and then there was chaos again in this house. I looked at Avinash who was smiling at me as well. Everything has got better. The love I wanted is what I'll get now. I'm here with my family again and I'm never loosing this opportunity again. I'm with my husband now.

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