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Avinash's POV

What is happening with us? First our relationship now my family is against Aarohi. She is not at fault but how do I tell them. She said "Excuse me" as I could feel she is about to cry. Her hands were fisting her dupatta as her hands were shivering. I felt an urge to hug her but the situation we are in, I can't.

She stood up and ran towards her room and I know she will cry whole night. "Bhai talk to her. She is crying since yesterday. See her swollen eyes. I'm sorry that because of me your relationship is at the verge of ending but at least make her eat something. She didn't had breakfast and for whole day all she had was fruits in brunch" he said as I felt stinging pain in my heart.

There was no chance of our relationship to get better but why is she torturing herself. I called a helper "Get ready two plates and send them to Maa and Dad's room" as she nodded serving for them. I served for Aarohi and then moved towards her room with a tray with plate of food and glass of water. As I reached near her room, I can hear her crying out loud. Tears welled in my eyes. She was crying really bad. I controlled my emotions and knocked at the door.

The voice stopped and in few minutes the door was open as I met blood red eyes as it looked at me in shock as I entered. She closed the door from behind as I sat on her bed. She sat in front of me and rested a little on headboard of bed. "Is it good to starve?" I asked looking at the plate as she sniffed

I tore a bite and extended my hand near her mouth but she just looked at me "You should hurt me too" she said as I frowned "Hurt you?" I asked as she replied "I hurted you a lot right? And you are still here feeding me" tears welled up in her eyes. "It was me who loved you even though I knew this was coming" I said as she sniffed

"I'm a bad human right?" She said as I took my hands back since it started hurting "You're not" I said as she again said "I'm, right?" As I again said "You're not"

"Then why does everyone hate me? My own parents, my own friends, then Maa and Dad and I guess you also" she said as I chuckled in sadness "I can never hate you" and then I again extended my hand as she took the bite. She ate with tears flowing down as I just looked at her. The food was finished as she held my hand as I was about to leave "Can you fulfill my one wish?" She asked as I sat back "What is it?" I asked as she replied

"Can I leave?" She asked as my heart beated real fast. The thought of not finding her in this house made me scared but I have also decided to let her go as I nodded "At least I can know right?" I asked as she burst out crying and shook her head "No. I want to stay real far. With new identity" she said as I nodded "But don't ask for divorce please Aarohi. Even though we never meet in our life, I still want to be your husband" I said as my tears streamed. We both cried in silence as she nodded and then I cupped her cheeks.

"Next week" she said as I nodded. We joined our forehead as she cupped my cheeks as well. Our tears weren't stopping as we were all silent with eyes closed and forehead together. The silence spoke a lot today. All I know right now is I'm going to loose the only love I have in my life.

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