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It was a huge day for Thakurs. They won a big deal with a new company which is worldwide famous. After ten years of hardwork, Avinash Thakur was finally able to resolve all his problems. First three years took him to solve the problem of land and it took him good six years of investigation to find the culprit behind the leakage of his ideas.

The media was waiting for him outside as he entered with his usual aura and sat on the couch. One of the reported asked "Sir, we heard that you are about to collaborate with few of world's best company including Z.M corporate. What will you say about Z.M corporate?" as Avinash replied.

"From my analysis, I can say that Z.M has done great performance. It's a new company which opened few years ago but the production and growth was rapid and the ideas were very innovative. We have no idea about who the CEO is, but all we know that it's a lady. Somehow it makes me proud thinking that a lady is running a business and becoming independent"

The next reporter asked "Sir, what about the culprit behind the leakage of your ideas" to which Avinash replied "The culprit has been caught. It took me ten years to solve this big issue. I know it is a huge time span, but it was not easy to find. I had hired the best investigation team but no clue was found. But anyways, he is found now and legal actions will be taken"

The next reporter asked "Mr. Thakur, we have heard that Mrs. Aarohi is not living with you in the same mansion. Is it true?" As Avinash gritted his teeth "No personal questions" and then he stood up leaving. He asked his men "Don't let the question about Aarohi flash on the screen and get that reporter in our basement and give him a good hospitality" as his guard nodded.

He went towards his hotel room as he had his flight to New York at night. He was in hotel when his father entered. "Where's your PA? He will be joining you right?" He asked sitting in front of him who was working on his iPad. He nodded in response as his father again asked "Who's the CEO of Z.M?" He asked as Avinash replied "Don't know. Will see her tomorrow during meeting" as his father nodded

Later that night, he flew to New York. As he landed a sudden smile came upon his lips. He remembered how his wife demanded of him once to take her to New York. She always wanted to open her company in New York. He went towards his hotel room and his PA helped him to arrange his stuff. He saw his favourite red wine with a note as he picked it up

'Hope you enjoy your stay in our hotel Mr. Avinash.
CEO of Z.M corporate'

He kept the note back and then changed into his comfy and then dozed off. Next morning he got ready for the meeting. His PA directed him towards the hotel where meeting was going to take place.

They both entered the hotel and there were staff of Z.M waiting for them. A lady came forward with a bouquet and handed to Avinash "Welcome Thakur sir." She said in her accent as he thanked her before handing the flowers to his PA. "Our CEO is waiting in a hotel room. Please follow me" she said as they moved towards a hotel room.

The door got opened as he saw a lady with slim figure, long black shiny hair, facing her back towards them. "Mrs. Aarohi, we have Mr. Avinash over here" she introduced as Aarohi turned around with straight face and greeted Avinash who was standing almost frozen.

He was seeing Aarohi after ten years. Till now, he knew nothing about her. How was she doing? Where she lived? What she did? Nothing. All he wanted was to embrace her in his arms as tight as he could but seeing her face which held no expression made him think that will she ignore him as if she don't know him. "Please take a seat Mr. Thakur" she said and he noticed the way she speaks and everything about her had changed.

Her body language and the way she talks and looks makes him feel that she is finally a mature lady now which he never wanted her to be. He took a seat as Aarohi turned on the timer "This meeting is of 40 minutes so I think we should begin" she said as Avinash nodded.

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