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Avinash's POV

My car came to a halt as I rushed to the airport, I'm 5 minutes late but still there is time for our flight. I looked around but Aarohi was nowhere to be found. I guess it will take her time. I sent her a message but there was no reply. I called her number but it was switched off. Strange.

I think I'll wait for her. Twenty minutes passed but she was still not here and her phone was switched off again. This made me feel uneasy. The announcement was made that the checking of flights for India has been closed. I dialled her brother's number as he picked up "Lakshya, where's Aarohi? She isn't picking my call" I asked as he replied in his panting voice "Avinash, Aarohi met an accident. She is in hospital right now. I'll send you the location", he said and hung the call.

I hurriedly went towards my car as the driver was still waiting. I asked him to drive on the location I got from Lakshya and within 10 minutes I was there. I ran towards the reception "Aarohi Thakur?" I asked as she replied "She is in operation room right now. Second floor" she said as I ran. I took the lift and then I entered to see Lakshya and his wife sitting at a distant. I ran towards them "How's she" I asked panting "She's inside right now. Let doctor come out" he said as I nodded.

Gauri passed me a glass of water "Thank you" I said and gulped it. "Sit down Avinash", Lakshya said as I sat. The doctor came out in a meantime as I rushed towards him "How's she doctor?" I asked as he replied "Her condition is very critical. We need to arrange blood. Her blood group is rare so find someone to donate blood. Her blood is AB negative" he said and I replied "Take mine. It's O negative" he nodded and I went inside with him.

My breath hitched seeing her condition. Her clothes were covered in blood. "You're her husband right?" He asked as I nodded "The nurse are busy in getting equipments for operation. So I request you to change her clothes" he asked and left. The nurse kept the long blue gown for patients and I gulped. I slowly removed her clothes as she was badly injured. Her head was oozing blood again despite the doctors have cleaned it.

I changed her clothes and then the doctor entered with nurse as the nurse asked me to lay down on the another bed. I rolled up my sleeves as they drew curtains between us so that my germs could not reach upto her. The nurse asked me to roll my sleeves up as I did. She then cleaned then area and then inserted the needle. It was a long process of an hour and then I was asked to leave.

I had cotton around the area where needle was pricked and the other hand held my coat. I sat on the bench as the nurse bought juice "Here sir, please drink it." I took it from her and drank "How's she Avinash?" Lakshya asked "She has blood all over her" I said as he sat with a huge sigh.

After few hours the doctor came "How's she doctor?" I asked "She's out of danger now. You may meet her in few hours" he said and left. I sighed and sat back on the bench. After few hours we three entered as she was awake. She smiled seeing us as I burst down into tears "I was so scared. For a second i thought you left me" she held my hands in hers as I wrapped it again on hers as she is weak.

"I'm here okay" she said. Lakshya and Gauri also talked with her a little and then left after a while. Gauri went home to take care of her daughter while Lakshya went to bring food "How are you feeling?" I asked softly "Better" she said "When will I be discharged?" She asked as I replied "In a week"

"In a week? We were about to go home today" she said with a pout as I chuckled "It's okay. Let's wait for a week okay?" She nodded. Lakshya bought her food as we three ate while laughing and talking. I was happy that she is better now. When I heard she got into accident, no feeling in the world could describe my situation at that time. Thank god.

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