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Avinash's POV

I was shook to the core hearing those words coming out of their both mouths. I felt guilty for slapping him as I saw both of them going to their respective rooms. I sat with a sigh when Dad said "Avinash, all decision is yours. If you'll agree, we'll agree with you" he said as I nodded. It felt wrong. I can't let our tradition be broken. Dad also married Maa and see how lovely they are.

I went inside the room to see Aarohi furiously removing her jewellery as I went near her to stop "You'll hurt yourself" i forwarded my hands to help with her earring but she yanked it away and accidentally it pricked her ears making it bleed. She winced as I scolded her "I told you to be careful, why don't you even listen to me?" I asked making her sit and bought the first aid.

"Why can't you agree on this marriage Avinash?" She asked as I sighed "You'll not understand it Aarohi. This family is my responsibility. And we can't trust anyone. What if that girl is just for his money?" I said as she replied "She has been my friend since the first day of this new college" I looked at her in shock "You knew it all along?" I asked as she nodded. "And yet you didn't cared to tell me" I said applying the cotton with Dettol on her ear slowly.

"And what if I told you? You would've somehow threw her out of your brother's life" she said as I sighed "Why can't you let them together? They love each other a lot. You're seeing us right? How we have ended up? He said truth, we are more like friends Avinash" she said and that name made me feel something inside me. That diverted my mind. I looked at her lips and gulped "He won't love any girl. He won't be able to move on Avinash" she said but my eyes were on her lips and I just wanted to slam mine on hers.

"Avinash, please agree to this" she said it softly as her hands were on my cheeks and I looked in her eyes "I can't break the tradition Aarohi" I said as she let out a frustrated groan and stood up. I also stood up and kept the first aid on the nightstand. "Aarohi you see, just the way Maa and Dad are happy now. They were also in arrange marriage but see how lovely they are. Just the same way, Rishi will also love the girl" I said trying to convince when she said "What about us?"

I stopped myself and looked at her as she continued "What about us Avinash? Are we going to stay like this forever? Like friends? Nothing much or less? You want your brother to end up in a situation like you?" She said and took steps towards me and stood in front of me as I spoke "He will not" and she chuckled "How are you so sure Avinash? The girl loves him, and he loves the girl. Is it because she isn't rich like us?", she asked as I frowned "Do you think so low of me?" As she chuckled "Even if I want to, I can't." She said.

"Aarohi, can't we focus on our relationship first?" I said as she frowned "What is to focus on us? We can't get better than this? Neither of us love each other" she said as I'm tired to listen to this statement over and over again "I'm fucking irritated now. Why can't you love me Aarohi? Why can't you love me like I do? Why can't you see me the same way I see you?" I said holding her shoulders as she was staring at me in shock.

"Do you love me Avinash?" She asked as I nodded "A lot" I whispered moving closer to her and joined our forehead as her tears came down "Why can't you see my love Aarohi? Why can't you fix your relationship first?" I said as her tears fell one by one and I couldn't stop myself from attaching my lips with her.

The mix emotions were everything at this moment and she didn't pushed me, instead she did the same. My lips on hers, with pure softness. And with the lack of breath, we both broke and look at each other as she shook her head "We can't Avinash. For our betterment, we can't" she said and stepped back and moved out of the room.

Little did I know that yesterday was the last night we spent normally, and this kiss was the best moment of my life since the changes will occur in our life from tomorrow changing everything in my life and hers.

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