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Author's POV

In a blink of eye, a year has almost passed. The relationship between Aarohi and Avinash had improved a little bit. That little bit includes bickering on childish things by Aarohi to which Avinash mostly ignored or gave his savage replies. It was now like a habit for both of them to fight over silly things, tease each other and every night Aarohi used to talk to him atleast for an hour and Avinash got habitual to this that he can't sleep without hearing her.

The college life of Aarohi went great as she is now in last year of her college. She made new friends that are Ananya, Zoya, Neha, Dev, Rishabh along with Rishi. She is loving the company of her in-laws but the only thing that made her sad was her brother contacts her once a month to which she thought that her brother doesn't care for her anymore and about her father, he barely talks to her and her mother calls her once a week as usual.

Completing studies in business and open her own company was Aarohi's only dream and the way she is showing dedication, the day won't be much far when she opens her own company.

Avinash's POV

It was night as I returned from office. I sat in the living room when the servant bought water for me. I gulped it down and went towards my room. I entered and was shocked "Was there any storm in here?" I asked seeing Aarohi sitting on the bed between piles of pages lying all over the bed, the desk, the nightstand and everywhere except for ground. "I've an assignment to do" she said as she wrote down something on blank sheets.

I went to take bath first because if I went infront of her she will find a way to argue and for that I need some energy. I went back in the room after cold shower and she was still writing as I interrupted "Let's go for dinner" she looked at me and then stood up on the bed. She climbed down carefully not stepping on the papers and then wore her slippers moving with me.

She took her dupatta and we both moved out of the room. Everyone was present at the table as the food was served. "Tomorrow I need to go for internship" Rishi said. He had completed his last year of college as well and now he will be going to Bengaluru for his internship of 4 months.

"Have you packed everything?" Maa asked as he nodded "I just need the handmade Ladoo made by you Maa" he said as Maa smiled making me smile too "Ofcourse, I'll make it for you" she said and then again everyone focused on food. Later that night, I had to work on the couch since Aarohi was sitting on the bed with papers spread.

I saw as she was gathering the papers and then finally the bed was clean. We both has started sleeping together but never touch each other even by accident. She then came and sat beside me folding her legs and i wonder how small she is that she fits in this small couch. "You know I read this somewhere online that you had an ex" she said as I stopped typing and looked at her "Who the hell is publishing such non sense? I didn't had any ex" i said as she chuckled

"Close your laptop" she whined as I sighed and closed it keeping aside. I sat facing her with my one arm resting on couch and another one on the knees of the leg which was still on ground and the other leg was folded upon the couch. "How was your school life?" She asked

"It was pretty good. I had lots of friends back then but since the responsibility of the company and family came upon me, I lost everyone" I said as she looked at me "Why?" She asked as I sighed saying "Because I couldn't give time to my friends and then they said I've become rude and unavailable for them and they made excuses leaving me. I was only 21 by then and had lots of responsibilities" i said and then looked at her to maintain the eye contact.

She smiled before saying "You know, friendship is something very pure. It includes only loyalty and honesty. They weren't good friends of yours because they couldn't understand your situation. One time when I was in school, this happened to me as well. I had a very good friend Tanya, we used to play a lot and used to study together but eventually she distanced herself from me" she said as I asked "Why so?" I was enjoying the story she was telling. It always interests me don't know why.

"In grade 10, I got a boyfriend and somehow she also liked the guy but he liked me. And then she tried every possible way to keep us apart and due to her silly things she scored less than me which made her jealous of me and then she eventually changed her friend group" she said and I somehow felt uneasy hearing about boyfriend.

"So you had boyfriend before marrying me?" I asked as she chuckled shaking her head "I broke with him when we passed grade 12th. We wanted to secure our future and we promised each other that if by any chance we again meet each other, we would give us a new chance. But right now I'm married to you and I don't even know how he looks, what he do, and where he is" she said smiling as I acknowledged the fact that she loved him truly.

Somehow I wanted her to talk about me the same way to others while smiling but right now the situation we were in wasn't appreciable. "So if you meet him, will you marry him?" I asked as she chuckled "I'm married to you, no chance at all. And more probably he might have someone in his life by now. Maybe he had forgotten me" she said as I nodded.

"Shall we sleep now? It's getting pretty late" I said checking the time as it was 1 a.m. and she has to go college tomorrow and I have office as well. She went to change and then came and laid beside me. "Good night" I said as she replied smiling "Good night, have sweet dreams" and then we both slept.

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