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Slowly Aarohi opened her eyes but immediately shut them due to the brightness in the room. It was noon so the environment was very bright. But she felt someone standing so she opened her eyes lightly. "Bhai" she said as she saw her brother standing.

"How are you Aaru?" He asked as she smiled "I feel fine now" he nodded and caressed her hair while sitting on the chair. "How careless are you huh? You can't even take care of yourself" he said

"What do I do? Some fucker shot me. It wasn't my fault", her brother chuckled "Stop cursing. If mumma hears it, she will give you lecture" she pouted looking at him "Now they will marry me off Bhai" she fake cried.

"No one will do anything to you. Your brother is here okay?" She smiled widely "Really? You'll convince them right?" He nodded "You just woke up after two days and now you have so much energy to speak huh?"

She suddenly felt tired and said while breathing heavily "You're right. I suddenly feel tired" he chuckled and put the oxygen mask as she breathed properly. The nurse came and injected her something as she fell unconscious again. "She is little bit tired Mr. Khanna that's why we need to give her anesthesia so that she can fully recover" he nodded and looked at his sister.

"Maybe I'll not be able to convince our parents Aaru. But if that man is not good for you, I'll take you with me to Hyderabad" he sighed and soon his wife entered the room "How's she now, Lakshya?" He sighed and went to sit beside his wife.

"She's a little tired. I'm scared Gauri. How can our parents easily ruin her life by marrying her off with someone whom she doesn't even know" he said as Gauri caressed his back.

"We also didn't knew each other right? But see now we both can't even live without each other. Similarly our Aaru will manage to win that guy's heart. With her such positive and kind personality, who will not fall for her" she said as he nodded

"But still, she is twenty. She needs to complete her education. Everyone will make fun of her in University. How will she manage?" He said as Gauri said "Our Aaru do act like a child, but trust me she is mature than us. Let's give the guy a chance. We will first personally meet the man okay?" He nodded.

After a while Aarohi gained her concious as she looked around to find no one. She removed her oxygen mask and tried to sit but her hand which was supporting her to sit slipped, making the drip stand fall. Hearing the noise, the nurse entered "Don't get up dear" she said making her lay back.

She picked the stand and attached wires and drips back in her hand as she laid down "Do you need something?", she asked as Aarohi replied "Water" she nodded and poured a glass for her and helped her to drink.

Minutes later, her brother entered with his wife "How's my cutie pie" Gauri said as Aarohi smiled "Bhabhi, it's so good to see you" she said in a little low voice "Ow, get well soon baby. I miss your energetic voice" she chuckled.

"Mumma baba kidhr hai" she asked as Lakshya replied "They are out for some meeting" Aarohi smiled sadly "Even today?" As sudden guilt rushed in both Lakshya and Gauri "So what if they aren't here? We are here right." She smiled and nodded to Gauri.

"But still. Bhai, don't stop this marriage. I think the love i didn't got here, I'll get it from my husband" Lakshya looked at her and patted her shoulder "They are earning for our bright future only Aaru" she nodded at his response. "Someone rightly said, money can give everything but not love" Lakshya and Gauri looked at each other as they were able to understand what she felt.

"Leave this. Let's go home now okay? We will watch movies, eat lots of pizzas and Lasagna and I'll bake your favourite Cheesecake" Gauri said as she smiled widely "I miss that delicious cheesecake bhabhi" gauri ruffled her hairs lightly "So shall we?" She nodded and held Lakshya's hand as they both helped her to walk.

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