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It was Sunday as Avinash's mother forced him to stay at home today. Aarohi was in her room with her laptop and was taking online classes. She requested the dean as he arranged special classes for her. That's when Avinash entered the room as he saw her attending the class. He moved towards her and shuts her laptop as she looked at him "Are you fucking insane? My important class was going on" as he looked at her.

"Your second semester starts from tomorrow then which class are you taking today?" He asked as she said "They are teaching me in advance. And you said not to go to college but I can complete my studies at home" she glared at him as he sighed and lightly slammed some papers in front of her.

She took it and then read it and then again look at him and then again at papers "From tomorrow, you'll be going with Rishi and come back with him. If someone troubles you tell Rishi" he said as she smiled widely and hugged him "Thank you so much, you're a person with good heart" she said and then realised what she was doing and backed away hurriedly. "S-Sorry" she mumbled and went out of the room as Avinash sighed.

[From here I'll start the story from one person's point of view]

Avinash's POV

I sighed deeply. The closeness between us is increasing but I don't want any of us to get attached anyhow. Maybe I will leave her when I get to know the real mastermind behind all the troubles that have been caused.

I sat on the chair in balcony and called my PA "Himanshu, did you got any information about the leakage of project papers?" I said as he sighed "Not yet Sir. The CCTV were blocked of every area" he said as I replied "Hire the best investigating team" and then I hung the call.

I dialed a number and the lady on the other side said "Long time no see Avinash" as I smiled a little "How have you been Natasha?" As she replied "I've been great. What is it? Aaj humari yaad kaise aa gyi Thakur Sahab ko" she said in mocking way as I could already imagine how her expressions might be right now.

"Actually I need a big help of yours. I need to investigate on something. Some important papers were leaked from my office and the CCTV were blocked. I can't find the culprit but it has to be someone from my own employees, staffs or family member" I said as she replied "I'll send my team tomorrow. I won't make it possible tomorrow but I'll be there by Tuesday evening" as I hummed in response.

After thanking I hung the call and went towards my father who was in his office attached to his room "Dad, did you got to know about the land deals?" I asked as he sighed and massaged his temple "The land is bought by someone on your name in illegal manner. This can cause a trouble for you" I frowned as he said so. "My name?" I asked as he explained.

"Someone took sign from you on some illegal matter where the land was given to that someone without legal documentations" he said as I sighed "We need to find the person as soon as possible" he said as I nodded. "I couldn't think of one person Dad. I sign bundles of papers everyday and how much I can remember I read every one of them and sign" i said and suddenly my head started hurting.

"Don't take stress Avinash. Go and get some rest. We will discuss about this matter tomorrow in office" I nodded and moved towards the kitchen. The only person there was Aarohi and at this point I need coffee or else my head might burst "Aarohi can you bring coffee to the room?" I said massaging my temples as she nodded and I went towards room.

I took a seat in balcony and closed my eyes dropping my head back and took deep breaths. I couldn't think of who had betrayed me. First the project was so important and my rivals took it and they got benefit of $8 hundred thousand in just a month. Like this they can easily come on second number and then first as well and then my company will get bankrupt soon. I called my PA that's when Aarohi entered the room

"Himanshu, think of another project before the end of the month. They already are benefitted with fucking 8 hundred thousand dollars in a month, we can't risk more loss" and in response he said "Yes sir, our team will get onto the other project in draft as soon as we can" as I hung up the call.

She poured coffee for me in the cup and then passed it to me as she then asked "Can I sit here for a moment? I like the view" as I nodded "Of course, no need to ask" and then sipped on my coffee but it didn't ease my tension. "Is something bothering you?" She asked as I shook my head as no "You know the tension lines on your forehead looks awful making your handsome face look like old grandpa" she said and chuckled herself.

"You mean I look handsome?" I teased her with a raised eyebrow expecting her to turn red but she replied "Of course you're handsome. Like look at yourself, those biceps are just asking to remove the tshirt so that they can set themselves free" as I raised my eyebrow and eventually chuckled

"See you should smile like this only. Suits you" and then she stood up and went behind me. I was about to look when she held my head and made me look in front "Now I will show you some magic" she said as he fingers slid in my hairs at both the sides of my head.

The fingers moved back and fro, as my headache eventually vanished and I felt very relaxed at the moment. I sipped on my coffee and she just massaged and was blabbering about something which I paid none attention as her massage felt so good. Maybe I'll ask for it time to time from her.

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