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Aarohi was coming downstairs from her room when she heard her parents talking lowly but yelling "We can't do this Harshit" her mother said to her father "So what do you want? To let our daughter be in danger? We both know how powerful they are" her father said.

"But she is only 20 Harshit" she said but suddenly Aarohi interrupted "What are you both talking about?" They both looked at her as if they saw ghost. She came and sat beside her. "Nothing beta ji. Aap University nahi gayin?" Her father asked.

"Baba it's Sunday" he nodded "Oh yes" he smiled nervously as she looked at both of her parents "You guys want to tell me something?" Aarohi asked but none of them said anything. "What were you talking a while ago? Why will I be in danger baba? And mumma what is it me being 20? Will someone tell?" She asked being confused

"Aarohi I know I'm talking non sense but I think you should marry" Aarohi looked at both of them with wide eye "Baba, what are you saying? That's logically illogical" she said being freaked out

"That's what I'm saying to him Aarohi. But the thing is we are businessman and we have lots of enemies and yesterday your Baba got a threat from someone saying that they will kill you. So we want you to marry a businessman who is strongest in this league and he is just five years older than you" her mother said

She stood up and looked at both of them and then again sat with a sigh "Listen Baba, Mumma, I know you both are just worried for me. But I know how to fight Mumma. I have learned to protect myself. Trust me nothing will happen to me" she said

Her father looked at her "Promise me something Aarohi" he forwarded his palm as she looked at him with frown and kept her palm on his "If you get a single scratch, you'll have to agree with us" she smiled

"I promise Baba. I can and I will protect myself. I don't need someone for me to protect" he nodded "By the way, I'm going for shopping with Esha and Nikhil, so I need some money Baba" she said as he handed her his card "Here. Go safely hm? And take a guard with you" she sighed and nodded

She can't deny to take guard because she herself is scared from inside. The guard brought Mercedes as she sat behind. When she picked her friends, they three went to nearest mall.

While walking, she said "Guys, someone gave my Baba a threat that they'll kill me" they both gasped "What? That's why I thought why this guard is with us" she nodded as Esha commented.

"And also he said if i get hurt, he will marry me off with some businessman who is five years older than me" they both laughed "Your marriage? You'll be Mrs " nikhil laughed just to receive smack from Aarohi. "Shut up. It's not funny" and suddenly there was a sound.

Aarohi's eyes widened as Esha and Nikhil gasped. Her arms were bleeding while the guard pressed the button in his walkie talkie and soon many guards surrounded her.

Her arm was bleeding bad, as Nikhil picked her up and with driver they went to hospital. After a while Aarohi was lying unconsciously in hospital bed and her parents were sitting out when the guards entered.

"How did this happened huh? Didn't I told you to protect her?" He slapped the guard hardly as he stumbled back "Sorry sir. But someone shot Miss with silent sniper" her father sat back and consoled her mother.

Soon the doctor came out of the room "How's my daughter?" Her father asked as doctor replied "You need not to worry Mr. Khanna. It wasn't a bullet but some small marble like structure like the ones which are in local fair shotguns" they understood and nodded

"Nikhil, Esha bete you both should go home okay? You can come home when she's alright. Thank you for bringing her here" her father said patting both of their shoulders as they both left after greeting them.

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