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Aarohi was up in the morning and was in her room. She skipped the dinner yesterday and also she decided to get home tutored until she gets married and shifts to other college. She was in her room doing nothing. She was missing her friends because that's all she had.

Two years ago, she lost her best friend in accident and since then Nikhil and Esha were taking care of her not letting her remember her late friend but here again she was alone with no one to share her feelings. She was looking out the window while sitting on her bed.

Her mother entered with breakfast "Rise and Shine love" she singed as Aarohi looked at her and again looked back at window. Her mother fed her breakfast which she silently had and her mother informed her "Me and Your dad will be out for business meeting" she nodded and took her phone acting as if she don't care but deep down she want them to sit with her and talk.

"Get ready, we will drop you to Avinash's office. Stay with him and spend your day with him" Aarohi looked at her in anger "I'm not going to him. And i do not want to spend any time with him" she yelled as her father entered "Stop yelling at your mumma Aarohi and stop being a child. Get ready and come" he said in stern voice as she couldn't say anything.

All she could think was that they don't even let her act like a child when she is still a child. She is only twenty, a child herself, unaware of the cruel world but her parents don't even care. She got ready and wore normal tank top with cardigan on top and jeans beneath. She took her laptop, books, phone and other necessities in her bag and went downstairs.

Her parents went towards car as she followed them and sat at back seat with her mother as her father was in passenger's seat and driver was driving. They stopped in front of huge building of Avinash's company "Behave properly and don't say anything nonsense in front of him" her father warned as she just looked at the building wishing that it would be better if she just stays in the car.

"Is he a contractor or businessman?" She thought in her mind but spoke it out loud "His family owns a lot of companies and they work in several field. Now go inside. That lady is waiting only for you" he said as she saw a lady wearing a formal attire with her hands in front waiting at the entrance.

She went down and took her bag and moved towards the building. It was still early morning so the employees were coming and all those who saw her greeted her as boss. She greeted everyone back with same humbleness. The lady greeted her "Good morning Ma'am. Sir is in his office and he has asked me to bring you. You can give me your bag" she insisted but Aarohi politely rejected. "It's okay. It's not that heavy. You can escort me" the lady smiled back and took her all the way to his office on 13th floor.

She knocked on the door and entered followed by Aarohi as she saw the office was very huge and he was sitting on his desk near the window. The lady left as he looked at Aarohi "Good morning" she greeted with no interest. It was only formality as he replied "Morning and no need for this formality" he said as she replied "I'm not even willing. I'm forced" and then she sat on the couch a little far from his desk.

She sat comfortably, one leg on another and scrolled through Instagram. Avinash was looking at her time to time and he don't know why he felt her attractive. But her swollen eyes catched his attention. He wanted to ask but couldn't find any opportunity.

Then he saw her keeping her phone aside and taking out her laptop and books since it was time for her online lectures. He asked "Aren't you going to your university?" As she faked smile which was very obvious "All thanks to you my dear husband. I lost my friends and students bully me" he raised his eye brow "Because of me? How so my dear wife?" He said in deep voice as she gulped.

"Uh because I'm going to marry you and that obsessed girl literally slapped me. I wanted to slap her back but she said her father invests in your company so I held back. If something was to happen to your company because of me then you would have tortured me my whole life" she jokingly said looking at her laptop screen, logging in.

He came towards her and held her wrists making her stand as she looked at him "Who is that girl?" He asked as she gulped "I-I don't know, she is someone from Business stream" he frowned. He said "Remember this Aarohi Khanna, I'm not someone who can tolerate women's disrespect, especially the women of my family. You're now part of my family too so stop thinking so low of me" he said and dragged her out of the building.

Being scared that he is throwing her out his office, she said "I-I was just joking Avinash" he heard nothing and moved towards parking lot. He made her sit on the passenger's seat and drove the car.
He pulled the breaks in front of the university and dragged her again. "My wrist hurts" she said as it was really hurting. He firmed the grip and moved towards the dean's office.

He barged in the room as the dean stood up in fear "T-Thakur saheb, you here? You could have called me" he said as Avinash replied "You know who's this?" He asked pulling Aarohi forward "Of course, she is your fiánce Thakur Saheb" he nodded "Yes, and someone from your college bullied my fiánce or you can say My wife. I want the girl here right now" he said in his deep voice as Aarohi felt goosebumps.

The dean nodded and went out himself to find the girl as Avinash sat along with Aarohi "Can we go back? I feel awkward and you're making it more awkward" he glared at her as she shut her mouth. The dean entered with the girl as Avinash looked at her and understood who she is. "You dare to bully my wife huh?" He said moving dangerously close to her as she shivered.

"S-S-Sir, I-I was just t-talking t-to her" she said as avinash slid his hands in his pocket as the girl thought he is going to take the gun out, instead he took his phone out and dialled a number. The other person picked up as he spoke "Mr. Oberoi, I'm cancelling the deal with your company. And this is all because your daughter slapped my wife" and he hung the call

"Your father isn't the one investing in my company, I'm the one who is investing in his. And now you'll see as i backed out how your father will be bankrupt." He said as the girl cried begging for forgiveness but he listened nothing and held Aarohi's wrist and walked out of the office.

As he walked through corridor, every student was looking at them. Few were adoring, while few were being jealous. Nikhil and Esha were also looking feeling sad for not being able to help her friend.

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