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Aarohi's POV

I got up a little early today since Rishi Bhai was leaving and I needed to help Maa in making Ladoos for him. I dressed in red frock dress with leggings of same colour and dupatta with golden border. I went downstairs as Avinash was still sleeping. I directly went in kitchen to help Maa. I've learnt quite few things to make.

"I'll be going on business trip with your father Aarohi and Rishi will be gone as well" she said as I pouted "Why everyone is leaving? I would be alone" she chuckled "We're giving you married couple a time alone. You both have gone to honeymoon but returned empty hand. But this time, make sure when I return I'm not only your Maa but someone's Dadi Maa too" she said as it took me a moment to realise as a crimson red tint appeared on my cheeks as I smiled shyly.

She teased me more as I couldn't help but blush. After the sweets were prepared it was time for three of them to go. Maa and Dad was going to drop Rishi Bhai at airport and then they will travel by car to international airport since they are going Hong-Kong.

Maa kissed my forehead and I touched both of their feet to take blessing. Dad hugged me as I felt love from dad after a long time, which made me miss old times with dad. Then I bent down to touch Bhai's feet as he stepped back "What are you doing Aarohi, you're younger than me" he said and gave me a tight brotherly hug and sniffed.

Tears welled in my eyes "Aye don't cry" he said cupping my face just like my brother used to "I'll miss you" i said and again hugged him as he just laughed "I'll be back in four months. Don't cry. I'll call you everyday and we'll plan more evil things to annoy Bhai" he said as Avinash smacked his head "Don't" I whined stopped Avinash as he just smiled.

I broke the hug and wiped my tears "Don't worry, Bhai will drop you to college and then you have Zoya, Rishabh, Utkarsh, everyone there. Why are you being sad" I sniffed as he said that. "Four months will be way too long. Even Maa, Dad are also leaving for two months. I'll be bored with this guy alone" I said pointing at Avinash who just jokingly glared at me.

"Remember what I said Aarohi. When I return I don't want to be your Maa only, I want be someone's Dadi Maa also got it" she said making me awkward again as I glanced at Avinash who just gulped. Rishi Bhai teased a little and then they went off to airport. I sighed and sat on the couch feeling the emptiness in the house. It felt as if I was back again to that old self of mine who was always lonely.

Avinash sat beside me as he said "I'm not that boring kind off person. Let's rest today. Tomorrow let's go somewhere for dinner" he said as I smiled widely and looked at him "Is Mr. Avinash Thakur taking me on a date?" I teased him as he scoffed "I'm blessed" I dramatically said as he shook his head smiling.

Avinash's POV

Six months have passed and we had not much progress. Seeing Aarohi sometimes makes me loose my control. She looks beautiful in every way. I would not lie by saying that I'm not attached to her or that I don't have any feelings for her. I did. I did had a feeling for her but the way she treats me more like a friend makes me take a step back from doing anything wrong in our relationship that will ruin our whole life.

We had a party today, where our western investers will be more included due to which we both have to wear something in western so I did dressed up in my black tuxedo. And to be honest it didn't look that bad. I was waiting for Aarohi to come out after changing as she was just complaining how revealing these dresses are.

As much I've stayed with her, I've got aware of her liking and she obviously don't like short dresses or revealing dresses except her night suits. And the reason might be her trauma of harassment or maybe she feels insecure. She came out of the changing room as I looked at her from top to bottom, like I was actually scanning her.

She cleared her throat "Isn't it too revealing?" She asked looking at herself in mirror from every angle. "No, it's fine. Let's go" I said and turned around leaving her. If I look at her more than a second, I might loose my control right here. The images were flashing in front of my eyes. Her long silky legs and her collarbones were all in view that made me gulp hard. We both sat in the car and drove towards the destination.


[You can imagine any other outfit of your own choice as well]

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