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Aarohi was getting ready to go to university since today is her last exam. No one in the university has troubled her because they all know te power of her husband except her.

Nikhil and Esha are not even looking at her but deep down they also want that everything should get better. She was about to reach university and soon the building was in view. She went down and directly went inside. After her exam, she was waiting for her father to pick her up but he was no there yet.

As she was waiting outside a guy approached her "Hey" he said as she replied same "Myself Pratyush" he introduced while forwarding his hand for a handshake as she accepted it "Myself Aarohi Khanna" she introduced as well as he smiled "Of course, almost everyone in this country know you now" he said as she smiled

"So if you don't mind can we be friends?" he asked as she smiled "Of course, anyways I don't have any friends here so I don't mind at all" he nodded and smiled "Wanna grab coffee?" he asked as she looked at her wrist watch "My Baba was about to pick me up but he isn't here yet neither he is picking up my calls" she said "Want me drop you?" he asked and before she could respond a voice interrupted them "Yes, I do mind."

They looked at the person and he was none other Avinash Thakur. The guy looked at him with no fear. "What are you doing here?" Aarohi asked as he slid his hand on her waist while the other one was in his pocket. He was in his formal attire with his sun glasses on. He removed his glasses and glared at the boy "Hello sir, it's a pleasure to meet you" the guy said as Avinash nodded

"Now may i take my wife with me?" he took her with him as she was still not accepting the fact that he was standing so close to her. It sent her butterflies. He made her sit in the car and drove off to her house.

He dropped her and then drove off as she frowned and went inside to see her mother in living room "Mumma why did he came to pick me up? Where is Baba?" She asked being angry on him. She don't know why but she just want to stay away from him.

"Your Baba is busy in meeting" she rolled my eyes "Why doesn't he adopt his work only?" She said and sat down on the couch "First I got a father who works 24/7 and now a husband who will work 24/7" she mumbled as mother replied "He works for us only Aarohi" her mother said

First thing, she is already angry and now her mother is trying to make her reach limits. "And among this world you both forget to provide me love. Money can't always bring love mumma" she said and moved towards her room.

Tomorrow is function of Haldi and Mehandi. So she decided to skip dinner and just sleep. On the other hand, her parents were very tensed if she would behave well in her in-laws. The family is full of ethics and rules and hates someone disrespecting their rituals.

The next morning, Aarohi woke up and freshened up. She wore a normal attire and went downstairs. All her relatives were present in living room and were busy in chit-chatting. She simply went towards the kitchen and asked the chef to prepare breakfast for her. She sat on the kitchen counter and took out her phone, scrolling through Instagram.

Everyone noticed her but no one dared to say anything noticing how off she has been for days. Diksha stood up and sat beside her while everyone again began talking to themselves. "What is it Aaru? Why are you upset?" She asked as Aarohi was still scrolling through insta.

She replied keeping her phone aside "So will I be happy seeing my own funeral?" She said as Diksha gasped "Don't say like that. Marriage is something auspicious, you shouldn't say like that" she said making Aarohi roll her eyes "Auspicious my foot! It's only making me enter in hell with that man who isn't the one I always wanted" she said and pouted.

"It's your Haldi today. You've to get pretty photos. What if you're marrying him? Make his life hell" Diksha winked jokingly as Aarohi smiled. They both had breakfast together while chatting. After a long time, Aarohi opened up and told every thing to Diksha.

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