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Aarohi's POV

The next day, me and Rishi Bhai were talking in the kitchen while I was making something to lighten everyone's mood. I was not less angry on them but they are my family anyways. Rishi Bhai was gloomy since morning and somehow I can feel him. I'm also feeling like crying but I can't, at least not in front of him

I saw Avinash coming down from staircase as he sat on dining hall for breakfast. I asked the helpers to help me as soon everyone gathered for breakfast. I served them as Avinash didn't looked at me even for once. His face held some different expression or maybe the expression I saw he had on our first meet.

I stood a little far as everyone had their breakfast when Maa said "Have breakfast Aarohi" as I replied "I had fruits Maa, it's fine" she looked at me for few seconds then nodded. Being honest, I had nothing because I have no appetite to eat anything right now. Avinash stood up leaving half breakfast in his plate and kept his palm of Rishi Bhai who was sitting on my place beside Avinash today.

"Ask Ananya to be ready tomorrow, we will go to her house with the proposal" he said leaving everyone shock. I looked at him being shock as well as Rishi Bhai burst into crying while hugging him and continuously thanking him. Avinash ruffled his hair and walked near me. He didn't looked at me but he was now in front of me. He extended his hand on shelf beside me and finally his eyes met mine.

The cold eyes with no emotions which I found in him after marriage. He took the keys and turned around leaving the mansion without looking back at me. Rishi Bhai came and hugged me but I was just looking at the door from where he just left. My heart twisted real bad "Aarohi, you will also go with Bhai tomorrow right?" He asked as Aarohi gulped

Maa stood up as the chair screeched as we both looked at her. Her face held anger. She didn't agree on this. "Are you happy now Aarohi? You wanted Avinash to be on your fingertips right?" As I was extreme shocked from what she said "Maa? What are you saying?" I said not understanding as she again said "You wanted Avinash to go against all of us? Remember this Rishi, we will never accept that girl" as Rishi Bhai went infront of her

"In this matter, Aarohi isn't at fault. And Ananya is a well mannered girl, and I assure you Maa she will win all of yours heart" as Maa left from the breakfast table. Dad also stood and left. So now everyone is against me. I'm alone again. No Family again. It will be better to leave from here as soon as I can. I turned as Rishi Bhai stopped me "Aarohi have breakfast" he said as I shook my head faking my smile

"It's okay Bhai, I'm not hungry" and I moved towards my room. As I entered the room, I locked it behind and entered the washroom to let my heart out. It hurts a lot. Why everyone is blaming me? I only wanted Rishi Bhai to be happy.

After an hour, I went out and then I sat on the table doing my assignments. It was night soon when I went downstairs to have dinner only to see everyone were already eating. It was late anyways so it was obvious but this was the first time no one called me. I sat quietly a little far from them. As I was about to serve, Mom stood up and left her half finished plate and Dad did the same. Rishi Bhai and Avinash were looking at the scene and Avinash was unaware of the situation as he called them but they didn't respond

"They are blaming Aarohi for everything so I guess they don't want her presence" Rishi Bhai said to Avinash slowly as I took my hand on my lap as I was about to serve for myself. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at my shivering hands which held the hem of my dupatta tightly to stop them from shivering. I could feel Avinash looking at me as I was about to burst out. "Excuse me" I said slowly but my voice broke, I stood up and went inside my room as fast as I could. I locked it behind and burst out crying.

This behaviour was hurting me physically and mentally. My heart hurted as if someone has stabbed me. They were more than my own parents but again I lost someone whom I can call parents. Maybe the problem is me and not my parents.

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