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Aarohi was getting ready to go to university. She has skipped lots of her classes. Even though she is not someone who loves studying, but right now since she is getting married she can't totally rely on her husband. In order to earn, she will definitely have to study.

She is a little nervous, because the news has spread all over the country. She even started getting offensive messages in her Instagram and other social media accounts. She read them but didn't bothered to reply. She was scared how everyone will react in University.

She went down with slow steps as her father said "Aaru, let me drop you off today" and went to bring car keys. They both sat as he drove with guards in another car following them. The car came to hault but Aarohi was in her deep thoughts. Her father touched her shoulders as she came out of her thoughts and looked at him.

"We are here" he said as she looked outside and nodded "Don't be nervous beta ji. I know what you are thinking but don't worry Esha and Nikhil are there right" she nodded and went out. She gripped on her bag and went inside. Everyone was looking at her. Boys with attraction and lust whereas girls with jealousy.

She directly headed towards her first class to see her friends already there. She went towards them as they made space for her to sit "What's it Aaru? Why are you looking off today?" Esha asked as she looked down "Everyone is looking at me as if I'm someone weird" she sighed as her both friends looked at her who was in middle of both.

"Don't pay attention to them okay? It's just a little weird of you getting married early but that's your personal life okay?" She nodded as professor entered gaining everyone attention. From her side eye, Aarohi can see few girls and boys looking at her and then gossiping something and later laughing. She felt embarrassed.

It was time for lunch so they three went towards cafeteria in college. "I'll come back from washroom" Aarohi excused herself and went towards washroom. After doing her business, she washed her hands and wiped them and moved out. As she was going towards cafeteria, she reached corridor where no one was present. She kept on moving not caring but then someone pushed her harshly as her back bumped in wall.

She hissed with closed eyes and as she opened her eyes she looked at group of 3 girls standing with their arms folded upon her chest. "Are you mad?" Aarohi yelled as the girl who was tallest among them grabbed upon her hair making her wince in pain again. "Oww little bride, does that hurt?" She stated as the other two girls laughed.

"You don't deserve to marry Avinash got that" Aarohi frowned and pushed her "And who are you to say that huh?" She said but the girl slapped harshly on her cheeks "Don't you dare to talk back. I don't give a fuck about how rich your father is. But I love Avinash and I'm his obsessed fan. My dad invested in his company with great amount so I think you both will get divorce soon" Aarohi frowned and wanted so bad to slap her back but anyways she have to bare all this.

"Listen here whosoever you are, I can slap right on cheeks as well got that? And about marrying, just tell you fucking dad to get you married to that man! I'm not even interested in being a slut like you" and she then moved towards cafeteria to join her friends leaving the fuming girl with her two minions.

She reached cafeteria but didn't saw her friends there. She then searched for them in whole building, even called them but they didn't picked her call. Later she had to go home alone in cab.

Later that night, she tried contacting her both friends but no one picked up. She texted both of them saying 'It's the last time we will be meeting in Boon cafè, tomorrow at 4 pm. I hope you both can make it'. She intentionally texted that so that at least if they see her message they would respond.

She then put her phone down and slept. The next day, in evening she got ready and reached the cafe to see her friends there. "Guys where the hell were you both? You left college yesterday without even telling me and then didn't even picked my call nor responded to my texts. What is it?" She asked sitting in front of them.

She noticed how they hesitated to speak "Speak up." Aarohi said as Nikhil spoke "Actually yesterday when you went to washroom, we both went to cafeteria but then we both were asked to come to rooftop. As we reached there we saw group of three boys. They are the bullies of our college and their girlfriends are also bullies. The boys bullies boys and girls bullies girl" and further Esha said

"So we both went to rooftop, they treatened us and even slapped nikhil for taking stand for you. See his swollen cheeks says that they punched him so hard" she said showing it to Aarohi as her blood was boiling. The next thing Nikhil said made her world collapse

"I'm sorry Aarohi, we have to leave your side. Our parents are not rich like you. We want to live normal life in college. Because of you even we are dragged in senseless matter. We can't be friends anymore" Aarohi gulped

"Guys, we can sort this out as well. I promise they won't bully you" she said but Esha shook her head "I'm sorry Aarohi, we don't have much money that we will spend on college to be promoted. We need to study and this bully shit will only distract us" she said as Aarohi looked at her "Esha, I get promoted on my own ability and don't say like this please. What will I even do without you?" They both stood up as Aarohi tried to stop them.

"Guys please stop" but they sat in taxi and left. Aarohi wiped her tears and sat in her car and drove back to her house. She slammed the door of her room and dialled her friends again but none of them picked. She threw the phone making it crash in pieces. "I hate you Avinash Thakur. This is all because of you" she said as tears ran down her eyes.

Her parents barged in the room to see her sitting on her knees on floor crying as they went near and made her sit on the bed. Her mother asked "What happened baccha? Why are you crying?" She panicked seeing her crying so bad.

"I don't want to marry mumma. Because of that man, all of my friends are leaving me. Everyone was laughing at me in University. " She said and explained the whole matter. "Aarohi, you will get more friends in future. Stop crying. I know they'll come back soon" her father said and laid her down on bed and covered her with blanket. "For now you need a nap. We will wake you up at dinner okay?" She cried a lot that eventually she felt asleep. Her parents looked at each other and sighed and went out of the room, switching off the lights.

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