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Avinash's POV

I felt my world stopped the moment my eyes met with hers. For a second, I felt nothing in her eyes. As if I'm looking at myself in the mirror. She said that we have 40 minutes to discuss the project and I know she might be having a tight schedule since her company is taking great progress. I'm proud of you my love.

"So, Mr. Avinash, as you know that our company needs a good investor and your company is one of the greatest companies, all we want is your investment in our company for about 5%. Let's start with the slide first and then the decision is all yours" she said as I nodded.

She gestured to a man who probably works for her. He started explaining about the ideas and about how her company went through ups and lows and how they managed to overcome everything. After a good thirty minutes the slide ended and the man sat back as Aarohi said "What do you think Mr. Avinash?" My name from her mouth after so long felt different. It wasn't the usual one, but it held a different tone, maybe a tone of hatred?

"I'm ready to invest in your company. 25 lakhs for 2%" I said as Aarohi chuckled "Please don't pity us. All we want is 25 lakhs on 5% equity" she said as I nodded "Papers" I said as her PA forwarded the paper to sign. I signed on to it and then she signed as well and we both shook hands. The timer went off as every employee of the room went out including my PA. I decided to move out as well. I reached the door when she said "Where are you going?" As I looked back to finally see a huge smile on her face.

Her PA moved out of the room closing the door as she ran towards me giving me a huge hug almost going top on me. My hands automatically encircled her waist as she had her head on my shoulder "I missed your cologne though" she said as I chuckled "And I missed the whole you" she snuggled more and we stayed like that for a good ten minutes when she broke the hug and we both wiped our tears.

She took a deep breath "You haven't changed a bit" she said as I smiled "And you've changed a lot" as she chuckled "Finally I got to know why you used to be so serious. Work is something you need to be serious about but right now I think I'm with my husband right Mr Avinash Thakur?" She said as her hands went behind my neck once again as I held her waist and smiled while nodding "Yes my wife Mrs. Aarohi Avinash Thakur" as i rubbed my nose with her.

We both sat on the chair as she asked "How's everyone at home?" As he replied "Everyone is fine. Maa and Dad are still in guilt for losing you. Rishi never stops talking about you to his son" as she looked at me with wide eyes "Son? Really? How old is he?" She asked as I replied "3 years old" as she pouted "I miss everyone" I held her hands in mine

"Let's go back, Aarohi. Let's go home. Everything is settled now. The reason why you asked to go away is solved now. You've accomplished your dreams now. Let's go back. The kitchen misses you, the living room, dining hall, the people, the helpers everyone misses you and most of all, I miss you way damn much" I said as she smiled and lightly nodded "I think it's finally the time to go" as I smiled widely

"I love you" I said joining our forehead as she replied "I love you way too much" as I chuckled "I know. You left your diary in my drawer" as she looked at me with wide eyes "I left it there? Oh gosh! I thought I lost it" i ruffled her hair "Let's go now. I can't wait to take you back" she nodded as we both went out.

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