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Aarohi's POV

In a blink of eye, the week passed and here I was in my room standing in front of the mirror with my luggage beside me. The room was empty and I'm going to live my life as before but this time it's all me. Rishi Bhai's marriage is fixed with Ananya but Maa and Dad are still angry with me. Maybe they also want me to go. Avinash didn't tried to stop me, maybe he hates me more than anything.

My room's door opened as it was one of the helper "Thakurani-sa, car is ready. Driver is waiting for you downstairs" she said as I nodded. I climbed down and saw there was no one. So no one is bidding me bye too. Is that how much they hate me. I moved with my luggage towards the main door when Rishi Bhai came running towards me.

"Where are you going? The helper told me that you are out with your luggage" he said as I couldn't help but burst into tears and hugged him as he caressed my back "Aarohi, where are you going?", he asked as I took a minute and broke the hug before wiping my tears. "I'm leaving" I replied as he asked "But where?"

As I replied "I can't tell you where but I'm leaving. Forever" the forever word made him froze. "Aarohi, don't do this. Did Bhai agree on this? How can you leave us? It's my wedding this year! You can't leave us!" He yelled and took a step back as I looked at my feet "It's for all our good Bhai" I said as he scoffed "So now you're being a coward and not going to face the situation huh? Where's my strong Aarohi?" He asked as my tears ran down "I killed that Aarohi Bhai" and then I turned my heels but he again stopped me

"No, I won't let you go" he said as I said "Step back Rishi Thakur" the voice came out in a stern voice as he was shook "This is the order from the Thakurani of this family, wife of your brother. Not your friend" I said with straight deep voice with no expression as he left my hand. I stepped out of the mansion as the scene of my first step in this mansion flashes before my eyes. Finally I sat in the car as the driver started the engine. I looked at the entrance gate to see Rishi Bhai standing with tears running down as he had his hands joined begging me to stay.

But it was too late and the car already started and my life has completely changed from this moment.

Avinash's POV

I was in my office but I can't focus on work. Aarohi must have left by now. No one in the house actually knows about her leaving and I know it will create a huge scene because how much they are angry with her, they still see her as their daughter.

My life is completely messed up. How am I going to survive now? As soon as it got darker, I took my keys and drove back to my home. As I entered I faced Rishi. "Bhai Aarohi left. She, she just went away from our lives forever" he said crying as I held him by his shoulders. It was making me weak. Maa and Dad entered the scene as Rishi said to me "Bhai, find her as soon as possible. Where can she go? Bring her back please. Everything has gone from her room. Did she seriously left us?", he asked as I sighed

"What happened Rishi?" Maa asked as he replied "Maa, Aarohi left us. She left us forever. Her stuffs are not in her room" he said crying as Maa looked at me in shock as I sighed "I knew she was going" and soon the room fell pin drop silent. Dad said "You knew? Why didn't you stopped her?" As I replied "She wanted to build her career and the way you all were ignoring her, she is hurt. Can't you both act like parents for once? First you neglected me and Rishi for your work. You sacrificed my life for your business and now you want me to ruin my brother's life? If it wasn't Aarohi who had made me aware of this fact, I would've become the culprit of my own brother" i yelled as they both went silent.

"Just think that there is no daughter-in-law except Ananya for you both. I don't know where she is but she will manage herself" I said the last words and moved towards her room. I entered the room to meet the sweet cherry blossom smell which made me melt. I immediately changed and again went to her room.

I slipped under her blanket which held her smell "I know Aarohi that my confession changed our lives but I couldn't hold the feelings in me for long. And I knew you never loved me. If in future we meet, I won't let you slip from my hand ever again" and then I slept with her smell in her room.

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