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Right now, Aarohi was sitting in front of the mirror in her bridal dress. Everyone was surrounding her. Her parents were still unaware that their child is angry on them. And why would they? As if they cared about her since childhood.

Everytime Aarohi needed them, they both were busy in their meetings. And by providing her money, they thought that every thing will be okay. Even though she always spend money like a blind person, but still somewhere deep down, she has started hating money.

Diksha somehow asked everyone to leave the room and as everyone left, she closed the door behind and locked it. "How will I go?" Aarohi asked as Diksha told her the whole plan "See, first you'll go out of your room with me so that no one suspects you. We will go to right side since the function held will be a left side which is far from gym area. Through gym area we will move towards the garden and through the back door you can go. One of my friend who is in Jaipur agreed to help and you'll just have to board the plane to Shimla. Okay?" Aarohi smiled widely and hugged her

"You're best family I've ever had" she ruffled her hair "I'll leave you near Gym alone, since I'll have to distract everyone. I'll miss you Aaru. Give me a call when you reach safely" Aarohi nodded as they executed their plan.

Diksha with her went out of the room and successfully made it out to the gym. A voice interrupted them both "What are you both doing here?" It was Diksha's mother as Diksha gulped and thought of something "Uh Mummy, actually Diksha wanted to take fresh air. You know it's a big day for her so she is a little nervous" her mother nodded and smiled "Fine. Come back fast okay?" They both nodded as she left.

They sighed in relief and then it was time for Diksha to leave. She hugged Aarohi and went inside. Aarohi took slow steps looking here and there and then moved towards the back door. She saw a car and the friend of Diksha waved at her as she nodded. She opened the gate unaware of the fact that someone was watching her from the second floor.

She ran and sat in the car. It took her few minutes to settle in that dress. "I should've actually changed" she sighed and closed the door "Hey Aarohi, I'm Gaurav. Anyways, I guess we should leave before someone catches us" he said and started the engine. The light from the car turned on as well but they both froze when they saw Avinash standing their in his groom attire with hands folded up to chest.

He furiously came towards Aarohi's side and opened the door and dragged her and warned Gaurav "If you want to live your life, just get lost from here" he said as Gaurav immediately drove off. He looked at her with his deep dark eyes as she gulped. "What the fuck were you going to do huh?" He yelled at her as his voice sent shivers to her.

But she managed to look at him, and few incidents replayed her mind as she replied "I was running away. Why? Does that matter to you?" He looked at her in disbelief "Yes it does matter to me. You're going to be my wife. And what would've happened to the reputation of us and your family if you took this step huh?" He said triggering her more as she yanked his hands away.

"It would have been better if I had ran away. What reputation are you talking about? The reputation of being a great businessman and a great father to marry off his daughter for the sake of business and to cover it up with the excuse of my safety huh?" She yelled back as he looked at her

"You do knew the truth" he said as she nodded "Yes I knew. And let me tell you one thing Avinash Thakur, even though I'm marrying you today, trust me their will be no heir of your this family. And ofcourse you won't touch me forcefully and if you did, I'll take down your whole company I swear to god" he chuckled

"Why is this anger in you for huh? If you don't want to marry me, go convince your parents" he said as he dragged her inside her room "Don't try to act stupid, because it will only make you look characterless." And then he went away. She slipped on the floor and cried her heart out. She threw everything on the floor not caring that it wasn't her property at all.

Her parents entered her room to see everything messed up "What in the world has happened in this room? Aarohi? What is this behaviour? You destroyed all this? Why? The billing have to be paid by Avinash himself. What will he think of us?" Her mother said as she took the vase and threw it on the window breaking it with shattering sound

Her father moved forward and raised his hand to slap her but was stopped by her mother "What? Why did you stop huh? Just slap me! Slap me!" She said slapping herself with his hand as Diksha entered and tried to stop everyone.

"What did you gave me in my whole life Baba? Money? That filthy money of yours?" She said in anger as her father said "Mind you language Aarohi. What is up with you? You were fine in morning"

She chuckled "Because you all are treating me like a shit. A SHIT! What did you do huh? Provide me everything with your money but what about love Baba? In my whole life, I've mostly stayed alone. When I used to be in school, I used to ask you that Baba, let's watch movie in theatres because I was jealous of my friends describing how amazing their life was with their parents.

Meanwhile me? My parents left me alone with a bunch of servants. And that servants, all they did was to force me huh?" She yelled as her father held her shoulders "Stop it Aarohi! Stop bringing these matters here. What if someone hears you?" He said as she chuckled

"And see today as well, you always kept Bhai away from you so that he won't make any useless demand and then ask him to get married to someone he didn't even knew. But his luck, that he got a great wife. WHAT ABOUT ME? You left me alone since I was kid due to which that servant tried to molest me.

You always kept my mouth shut because of your FUCKING REPUTATION and today you are taking me as a toy marrying me off for some business huh?" She spoke everything as her brother also entered the room with his wife and was shocked hearing all this. He was unaware that someone harassed her sister. Meanwhile her parents were shocked knowing that she knew the truth.

"Is it true dad? What Aarohi is saying is true? Who the hell was that servant and why was I kept in dark? He, he harassed my sister dad" her brother said as he held upon Aarohi who was getting weak on her knees each passing second. No one spoke a word after that and all of them left the room one by one leaving only Aarohi and her brother.

"Look here Aarohi" he said bending on his knees as she was sitting on the bed. "Leave me alone" is all she said as her brother nodded leaving. As he went out of the room, he saw Avinash standing there "Since when are you here?" He asked as Avinash replied "Since the beginning" he said. All Avinash was thinking that, he thought of Aarohi to be a very immature girl.

But today he heard something which changed his mindset. He felt pity on her. He wanted to cancel this marriage but he was also forced. He said that to her brother and left from there.

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